Return of the Jedi triv (that pseudo care bears flick)

unclehobart said:
The info I am working from want his wormy ambassadors name as well as the little 'pet'. Everyone else was probably considered to be a mobile fixture and not a permanent fixture.

The ambassador was Bib Fortuna
Oz said:
The ambassador was Bib Fortuna
GAH! I went into sensory overload and ended up in a crumpled heap. All of the correct parts are:

Bib Fortuna: ambassador
Oola: slave girl
Salacious Crumb: friggin' parrot thingy.

apoligies to Paul for the circle dance... and a thanks to Oz for the cold bucket over the head to bring me back into the light.
unclehobart said:
What is the name of the shuttle stolen by the Rebels to infiltrate Endor?

tyberium (although i always think of tiberius......but kirk woulda kicked vaders puddin's ;) )