

New Member
I've found myself very vengeful at work lately. I'm trying to figure out if it's due to my frustration and general impatience with my users and co-workers or if it's something more, a need in me to make other people pay for pissing me off.

As one example, I gave a user two weeks to register for a service that would help him in the event he locked out his computer account. Told him he was going to have lengthy delays getting support if he didn't. Reminded him three times, he never did it. In the meantime, he gave me a hard time about other things that he wanted done, pronto.

So when he called because he couldn't log in because his account was locked out (gee how did that happen?), I made him wait. A while. When I finally did call him and discuss it, he complained about the wait and I made sure he knew that it was his own fault. He had every excuse in the world, but all of them lame. I made him register while I was on the phone and hung up with him promptly.

Have you planned revenge on someone who did you wrong? Did you feel at all guilty about it afterwards or did it feel good which made you want to do it more? :D
I've had revenge, it isn't something that happens often. Word of advice, when I get my revenge people wish they had never met me at all. :D
Sure Pauly...let someone(thing) else have all the fun :)

Vengeance is like serving cold cuts
No. It's revenge in a dish best served cold
That's what I said.

The Sopranos though I can't remember who said it.
I don't get vengeful, but I do get a kick out of seeing people hang themselves with all the rope that I've let them have.
being vengeful can be a tad on the counter-productive side.

'course that just might be a side effect of my line of work....

if i were in your place GF, i probably would have done the same thing
I'm a firm believer in stupidity karma. If you're dumb, it WILL eventually bite you in the ass. OTOH, I've never had a real problem giving karma a helping hand.

So, revenge - not often. Laughing at the stuuuupid guy wallowing in his own shit - pretty much daily. There are SO MANY opportunities.