Revolutions (Some Spoilers)


New Member
When you saw the indian guy being led out of the french restaurant, I thought he was the real keymaker and the other guy was just a program they created. And that the rest of the movie after that part was staged for their benefit. I was pretty dissapointed to find out who the indian guy actually was.

Luis G

Staff member
Buttcrackdivine said: watch it again. They only attacked humans because humans, in all their amazing stupidity, decided to block out the sun so they won't have fuel. The machine world sends delegates to propose a peace plan to live with humans in peace and coexist without war or negative feelings with harmony but humans, in all their amazing stupidity, again, attack the delegates and turn the plan down. The machines eventually realize that human arrogance will be their downfall so they decide to eliminate the feeble species.

The machines never started this the two parts again.

I'm talking about the scene after the machines found that they could extract electricity out of the human body.