Rewriting history...again...


Southern Discomfort

State officials in Ohio are pushing to have one of the statues in Washington's National Statuary Hall replaced because the opinions expressed more than a century ago by the man the statue commemorates don't confirm to modern standards of acceptable speech, reports the AP.

Ohio officials from the governor on down are calling for the removal of the statue of William Allen, a 19th century congressman and governor from the state, that was erected in the Hall in 1887. Among his sins, Allen didn't have the proper perspective on the Civil War by 21st century standards.

"Slavery is not the cause of the war; it is the intermeddling of the northern fanatics with the rights and property of the people of the South," Allen said in 1863, about two years after the start of the Civil War.


If we erase the accurate history enough times, then enough people will believe the yankee lies and myths, and the subjugation can continue on its merry course. This is the most effective propoganda machine in the history of the world. They've taken over the textbooks, the media, and now are taking over the monuments.

And most of us sit idly by and let it happen.

Leaders of the South officially stated they wanted to secede primarily over slavery. Apparently their trying to make things more accurate.

However, they don't need to remove the statue because Allen had a different opinion.
flavio said:
Leaders of the South officially stated they wanted to secede primarily over slavery. Apparently their trying to make things more accurate.

However, they don't need to remove the statue because Allen had a different opinion.

That, among a thousand other reasons. Far from the primary reason. Editing one statement out of an entire document to suit your agenda is not impressive. Just because you choose to obsess over one of over a dozen stated reasons is of minute consequence.

But we all knew that already...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Just because you choose to obsess over one of over a dozen stated reasons is of minute consequence.
At least a few of the states official secession documents made it quite clear it was their primary reason.

You're in a bit of denial about that....but we all knew that already.