RFID chips on kids ... coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

What are the group's opinions on the service Verizon Wireless offers that allows parents to track kids via the GPS chip in their cell phones (which every phone is required to have since February 2005 anyway)?

Probably can't turn that off at the Cellphone level,but turning the phone off makes it impossible to track,I think most molesters would take the cellphones away and get rid of them anyway even if they didn't turn them off.
"If you have done nothing wrong and you have nothing to hide you should have no problem with our searching your attic to see if you are hiding any people in there."

See you're missing the point. It's my kid, it's MY ATTIC. They are minors, I am in charge and I have the right to watch them how I see fit.

Seriously, would I go that far? No....but I have the right as long as they are my responsibility.

There is a big difference between a parent consenting for their child to be monitored and the government watching folk and doing what they will willy-nilly regardless of a person's majority or minority.