RIAA launches more suits

Gonz said:
I disagree withthat. The people that steal .mp3s are taking money out of the system. The losers are not, for the most part, the artists. Money is made by live performances. When I was playing, the average artist (band) got less than buck per album. They got 70% of the door. That's why people go on tour.

That turns out not to be the case, Gonz. Expenses come out of that 70% of the gate (travel, insurance, etc.). The band is lucky to see 20%. Big tours (Kiss, The Stones, etc.) lose money on tour. This is why they get a corporate sponsor. You're right though, the big losers are the writers and technicians that produce the recordings. Their only income is from record sales. Most bands don't write most of their own material.
It goes well beyond that

The Recording Industry Ass. of America (RIAA) has began a legal spat with a man who copied CDs he had bought onto his computer.

RIAA lawyer Ira Schwartz argued in a lawsuit brief filed earlier this month that the 2,000 or so MP3 files Howell created were "unauthorised copies" of copyrighted music.

Source, one of many