RIAA - What are their standards...


New Member
How is the RIAA deciding who to come after? Is it for 1-10 songs? 10-500? 10000 or more?

Has anyone ever said how they are going to decide who to go after in court?

Best hope is to get some high profile people and some lawyers, maybe even some RIAA employee's.

Although its not a good excuse, my criteria for downloading has been:

1. I own or have owned in the past.
2. I ever would have bought anyway.
3. I didnt just downlload for the sake of downloading, get as much as I can or something.

And it is interesting to point out also, MP3 players of all size, shapes, and colors, have been made and sold in the volumes that they do because of Napster like programs.

One other fact. ALOT of the LARGE amounts of files come from places OTHER THAN the USA. So really this is just a scare tactic.

Luis G

Staff member
They can do whatever they want, i bet my ISP would not be able to trace my activities back to me based on the external IP :lol: (dynamic IP and they are a bunch of assholes)