Ridge - US 'should not rule out torture'

First rape then hot irons. There are instances when it is necessary. Those instances are far & in-between, but they exist. Our general standard of life prevents 99.9% of the unnecessary. The other .09% should & usually get tried. The remaining .01% is valid & useful.
Rape sure. :swing:
I think the solder doing the raping should have to go to mental therapy though.
I don't think it's wise to have sex, even protected, with any foreigner like that,
even if they've been checked for aids and stuff. If a person has that bad
of a sexual urge they need to seek mental help. :lloyd:
Gonz said:
First rape then hot irons. There are instances when it is necessary. Those instances are far & in-between, but they exist. Our general standard of life prevents 99.9% of the unnecessary. The other .09% should & usually get tried. The remaining .01% is valid & useful.

I feel that your comments speak for themselves to such an extent that i don't even need to issue a response.

I am simply not willing, under any circumstanes, to go there.
Get real. What planet are you from. Rape is NEVER necessary as a means to military victory. Should we be raping those guys down there in Guantanamo so they tell us where the nukes are? Good lord...

You DONT EVER make "torture" official US policy because its the worst possible thing you can do. Now, if in your ridiculous unbelievably unlikely scenario you happen to have a bomber who knows where a nuke is thats about to go off well you do what you feel you need to do behind closed doors to find the location of the nuke. but you DONT make it official policy. You deny it to your death. And if you are exposed and prosecuted for it you take one for the team and go to jail. You DONT make it official policy no matter what. Official policy should ALWAYS be we never torture. Personally even that scenario I wouldnt torture. Torture doesnt really work. I would instead bring him in shackles to a nice big viewing room where on a giant screen TV he could see his children and every member of his family surrounded at gun point by special forces troops with automatic weapons. Then I would turn to him and say ok slick its your move... That would be more effective then branding his balls... If hes not gonna talk when you threaten his kids then hes not gonna talk if you threaten him.
Ahhh, I get it now. It'll be okay to murder innocents but not okay to pull fingernails...*jolts that down in notebook for future reference.*
Gonz said:
In mine, was anybody raped?

Well you said it was "necessary". From that we can conclude its part of your portfolio and therefore WOULD happen. My portfolio consists of threatening with death the loved ones of the terrorist. My portfolio also includes hiring the best special effects studios in hollywood... see where im going with this?
ahhh christ guys....the rape/hot irons scenario came from Hex. I should have seperated them so that mine indicated general torture but I didn't.

Hex said:
Obviously Thulsa Dooms scenerio didn't call for murder
No? Sure looks like it to me.
TD said:
his children and every member of his family surrounded at gun point by special forces troops with automatic weapons.

If using Hollywood effects is the end result, your terrorist has zilch/zero/nada to worry about. If you want to bluff you'd better be able to fulfill your promise or it's an empty threat.
The point is in my scenario theres no point at all to actually killing anyone. If the terrorist THINKS we are killing people then we may as well be... even if we arent. And if killing his family members doesnt get him to talk then putting him in the comfy chair wont do any better (note Python reference). So there you have your best solution in a nut shell. When do you think homeland security will hire me?
HeXp£Øi± said:
How about rape then? Rape is torture should we be allowed to rape both men and women? After all rape is really no worse than applying a hot iron to the genitals.

rape is taking it too far. I would say the same for the hot iron but again I do stand by my original saying of it being necessary to get information at times. but under no circumstances rape. ever.
Gonz said:
Ahhh, I get it now. It'll be okay to murder innocents but not okay to pull fingernails...*jolts that down in notebook for future reference.*

Correct. If we start condoning torture...and what happened at Abu Graib was abuse, not torture, then we give up a valuable freedom. Aren't you the one who had that Ben Franklin quote as his signature for some time?

"Those who are willing to give up freedom for safety deserve niether freedom nor safety."

Sorry. But I cannot agree with you there. It's one of those 'slippery slope' situations you are so dead-set against.
Gonz said:
10 years in the brig for abuse & that's not torture?

Rules exist to seperate what we do from what they do. They exist to make us civilized, and responsible. That last word has taken quite a beating lately, but my thoughts on this stand. There is a difference between right and wrong here, and that difference was ignored. You can't have it both ways...:shrug:
In specific cases, with specific individuals, I believe that under very guarded conditions, torture should not be absolutely forbidden. It is ugly & wins no friends. It can save lives. We could just behead them & then nobody learns anything.

As for Abu Ghraib...it was shocking but hardly torture. As the story unolds, the actions may have been justified but that will never matter because we have t have a scapregoat & one has already paid the price.
What interesting timing. Bad girl, making those men masturbate...bad girl, bad.

U.S. military interrogators in Iraq tell Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin prisoners are doing far less talking since the publicity of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the crackdown on harsh techniques used in questioning them.

"Do you want to know why there are so many successful attacks – attacks that are not averted because of good intelligence?" asked one military source familiar with the situation. "Because we're getting next to nothing out of the prisoners. Our information flow has dried up."

Gato_Solo said:
Rules exist to separate what we do from what they do. They exist to make us civilized, and responsible. That last word has taken quite a beating lately, but my thoughts on this stand. There is a difference between right and wrong here, and that difference was ignored. You can't have it both ways...:shrug:
You do have a point there.
While I do think certain types of torture can be beneficial, abuse without any
reasonable reason to do so is not right. (e.g. just for entertainment)