

Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
This really says it all.

and look how the FUCKING BARBARIC FOOLS are laughing at his pain, bad guy or not, someone on fire IS NOT funny, they should be shot.
Ah, Justin. You have no sense of irony. They shouldn't be shot. They should be doused in gasoline and torched.

Please do try and keep up.
Justintime said:
and look how the FUCKING BARBARIC FOOLS are laughing at his pain, bad guy or not, someone on fire IS NOT funny, they should be shot.

*raises hand*

Mr Justintime. Who should be shot, the flag burning idiot on fire to put him out of our misery or the FUCKING BARBARIC FOOLS laughing at him? :shrug:
Who asked you? do i know you? do you know me? have we ever came in contact before? seriously mate, did anyone ask you jackshit?
Well that's interesting that you notice the crowd Justin because it's the first thing i noticed. I think we can deduce from this picture that people who hate the US are generally mean(although i'm not going to waste any time debating this issue). They even laugh when one of their own gets hurt. That said...I can't believe you guys are laughing at that poor soul.

Justintime said:
Who asked you? do i know you? do you know me? have we ever came in contact before? seriously mate, did anyone ask you jackshit?
So, now one has to be asked a question, before one can comment on something?
And we have know somebody to comment?
Or have to come in contact with them.

Cool your jets sparky, acting like an ass is not becoming of you.:rolleyes:
The video of that event was on the tube. You can't see it because it's outside the frame of those pics, but shortly thereafter someone put him out by dropping this banner type thing on him....

anyway....if you think that burning up American flags in the middle of a mob is a reasonable and mostly safe kind of thing to do , then I could see being a little upset at the apparent reaction of the crowd when the guy sets himself on fire.

If, on the other hand, you think they guy is a silly jagoff doing things that most reasonable people WOULDN'T , then it's gonna be pretty laughable

...and it is. There was a guy in my area who was trying to get a dog to take a lit M100 from him and presumably run away with it in his mouth.....the guy blew both his hands off....

He got what he deserved AND it was goddamn funny....

as an the video, as it happened, it looked like the crowd was really laughing at the flag lighting up, because from their vantage point, which was where the video came from, that was the first thing overwhelmingly apparent...
I've seen videos of stonings, and man were they living it up! sometimes i just wished a jet flew across the same time and dropped a nice fat bomb, they take pleasure in the demise of others, i know its their 'way' but its barbaric and the time for that is over.
habanero said:
Justintime said:
Who asked you? do i know you? do you know me? have we ever came in contact before? seriously mate, did anyone ask you jackshit?
So, now one has to be asked a question, before one can comment on something?
And we have know somebody to comment?
Or have to come in contact with them.

Cool your jets sparky, acting like an ass is not becoming of you.:rolleyes:

My comments were there to state my feelings on the matter, not for you to build your resume of wittisms and to appear 'cool' to others by delivering a nice burn on me .
Justintime said:
, i know its their 'way' but its barbaric and the time for that is over.

not for them its not apparently

as MADrin said he got what he deserved though i dont find it funny. kind of sad in a way im not sure why but i think its kind of pathetic he didnt respect fire :shrug:
One thing you might notice about that flag, that it goes up awfully fast. Sure, the stills skew the "speed" of the action..but even in the video it was FAST! Like...flash paper or something....

.....also, and this is admittedly picky....if I were going to burn the "Stars and Stripes", I'd at least make an effort to get the thing looking know..little things like the correct amount of stripes/ know...details...

....that'd just lend more....I don't know....ooomph, to the whole thing....

but this is just me though....
