Roflmao!!!'s in our nature to laugh at others...we even do it unconsciously. I've caught myself laughing at someone slipping on the ice etc...I've also recovered quickly enough to stop laughing and go help the poor sap up.

I must admit that when i saw the image (considering it's context), that it caused me some humor and satisfaction seeing someone get his. After reflection, I know that a person on fire is not humerous (as I'm sure that most on this site know and appreciate).

What you fail to appreciate is the context of this BBS. There is a darkly humerous angle to everything going on here. It's not meant to be that serious a place.

I hope that you take what is said here with more than a few grains of salt, and curb your defensivness somewhat. I seriously feel that what upset you was merely our way of dealing with the unthinkeable (being on fire) by using humor.
Mad, it's probably an old bedsheet, painted up. And if you were planning to burn it, would you really take more time? I wouldn't. As long as it looks enough alike to be recognised, good enough. And let's face it. They probably would get in trouble if they knew too much about it.
I still wonder what part of the Central Coast he's on... for all I know he could be a few minutes' drive away from me.