Last I read (which admittingly was quite awhile ago...98ish) wind power required an average wind speed of 20+mph. Very few places have this annual average. One such place is a mountainous pass in Cali. This particular farm employed (at the time) three full time people. Their job? To shovel and dispose of the dead birds. Another two people were employed full-time to shut down, measure, dismantle, and recalibrate the blades damaged by the birds. On average, the generator would become ineffective after being hit by two birds which would knock the blades out of alignment and thus render the generator useless (there is an optimal tilt with low variability for the blades to generate enough electricity to actually use (ie, household current)). In peak times of the year for insect populations, up to 20% of the field's generators would not work due to the large amount of insect carcases which had built up enough between the cowl and turbine to prevent the blades from spinning at all.

At the time, bird collisions were the single most detrimental factor to wind energy.....far exceeding the anticipated costs associated with constructing a wind farm. It used to cost more to maintain wind farms by keeping blades aligned after collisions than the amount you gained by generating the electricity. I'll have to pull my old research and read through it again. Thats just what I remember.

They'll probably go after the people who make window cleaner next because of how many birds fly into the windows from them being so clean! :tardbang: They'll scream dirty your windows and save the birds ... or even save the insects! This is why I hate extremist enviromentalist they'd rather we shut down hospitals, police, our home, and our modern society for the sake of a small fraction of the total population of birds getting killed! After the window cleaner manufactures they'll go after mother nature who kills the most living things of them all!

Sorry had to vent extremist greenpeace type mindsets make my skin crawl and my temper flare for their lack of realistic point of view.

I soooooo callled it
CNN said:
ALLENTOWN, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Daniel Klem Jr. cradles a small, dead bird with chestnut-mottled wings, another victim of what he says is a largely unrecognized environmental hazard that kills birds in flight.
The culprit is the plate glass used in windows, skyscrapers and other structures, which the birds strike because they cannot see it.

:rofl4::rofl4::rofl4::rofl4: It's soo erie its funny!
it is an issue.

Q. Why do birds fly into windows and how can you stop them? Also, will they hurt themselves?

A. There are two kind of window collisions with birds. Birds that continually fight the glass, are fighting their own refection in the glass, believing that the bird they see in the glass is another bird and a competitor. These birds do not get hurt. The other kind of collision is when birds fly into windows because they see in the window the reflection of the outdoors, such as the woods outside the house. They often hurt themselves, and sometime die. The way you can reduce or prevent either of these kinds of birds/windows collisions by somehow removing the reflection. Either by soaping the outside of the window, hanging objects on the outside to distract the birds from hitting the glass, or by aiming the glass up or down to keep the birds from seeing the reflections. Some people have been successful by placing silhouettes of hawks and owls in the windows, to scare the birds away from the windows.

when I lived in an apt. building, it happened a couple I cut out a hawk out of black construction paper for each picture window, problem solved, for my window, anyway.
Gonz said:
Birds or cheap electricity (that doesn't pollute) hmmm, such a decision NOT!

Cheap electricity! Cheap electricity!!!!

By the way, wouldn't those birds see those massive propellers anyway?
And if they can't see them, hear them?

If they're THAT blind then they shouldn't be allowed to live.

This saves them the trouble of flying into the engine of a plane and a suffering a much more horrible death.
So those windmill things I always see in the movies are energy generators of sorts?

Damn, I always thought it was some weird American musuem or art thing paying homage to the Dutch :eh: