Romance - One for the guys!!!

it is trying to get the other person some kind of pleasure. but sex of any kind isnt really love. it is if you are in love with that person
Uki Chick said:
That's the way I've always thought of it. With a bj and beer, that's not expressing love really. It's an act that you can do whether you love the person or not.
men don't care...besides when you do all the normal everyday lovey dovey all adds up.
Leslie said:
Isn't romance just an act of pleasing the other?

NO, that is called providing a service.

From what i have read the women here seem to think that mens romantic ideas delve no further than sexual acts involving alcohol and TV.

that's not expressing love really. It's an act that you can do whether you love the person or not. it isn' try getting a blow job from someone who doesn't love you and someone you're aren't paying.....there are other names for that
Buttcrackdivine said:
From what i have read the women here seem to think that mens romantic ideas delve no further than sexual acts involving alcohol and TV.

:eh: for the majority, yeah, as long as by TV you mean sports...

In my experience most men aren't comfortable being romantic. They see it as a forced and artificial series of actions that shouldn't be necessary because their partner already knows that they love him/her. If they're spotted by a buddy they're teased for being 'whipped' or 'gay' or 'screwing things up for the rest of us.'

I've known more than one man to proudly wear his insensitivity as a badge of honor. :disgust2:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I've known more than one man to proudly wear his insensitivity as a badge of honor. :disgust2:

Add another to your list.

Men don't have trouble expressing love but women ,at times, have inane needs concerning romance. Some women just need to be reassured of their stance in the relationship again and again and forget that as much as they want to be told they are loved and treated with perks there are men who want just as much not to do that.

I have no qualms about being romantic but some women just have ridiculous issues they need to deal with before getting into relationships. A man's mind isn't as simple as women make it out to be but it isn't as delved into self exploration either as womens are, neither do most mens minds feel the need to connect emotionally and express every fucking emotion they feel.

Romance for me is everything and anything. From the cliche candle light dinners to kissing in the rain to more unorthadox methods like cleaning up, doing dishes etc and so forth but geez...i don;t need to assure a women that she is loved every day. Saying "i love you" should be choice not a neccessity but women seem to want that to be a priority.

I am stoic and i fucking love it.

PS. MISS ANN THROPE - I do not much like that sham of an artist whose work adorns your avatar. Infact i'd like to show that man complexity just to irk him and take every piece of his and and reproduce it in angles, that would really irk him.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Add another to your list.
I don't see any need to keep track... :D

Men don't have trouble expressing love but women ,at times, have inane needs concerning romance. Some women just need to be reassured of their stance in the relationship again and again and forget that as much as they want to be told they are loved and treated with perks there are men who want just as much not to do that.
Some men, NOT ALL, do have trouble expressing love. Some women, NOT ALL, have inane needs. Generalizations are dangerous. However, boys and girls are not raised the same. We are socialized differently and so our needs are not the same. This doesn't mean we all come out of some cosmic cookie cutter, but there do seem to be certain patterns of behaviour that tend to be gender dominant.

PS. MISS ANN THROPE - I do not much like that sham of an artist whose work adorns your avatar. Infact i'd like to show that man complexity just to irk him and take every piece of his and and reproduce it in angles, that would really irk him.
I'm sorry it's too late for you to piss him off. Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) is the painter.
I know hes suggestion were under the assumption if he was alive. He was still a sham to me.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
:eh: for the majority, yeah, as long as by TV you mean sports...

In my experience most men aren't comfortable being romantic. They see it as a forced and artificial series of actions that shouldn't be necessary because their partner already knows that they love him/her. If they're spotted by a buddy they're teased for being 'whipped' or 'gay' or 'screwing things up for the rest of us.'

I've known more than one man to proudly wear his insensitivity as a badge of honor. :disgust2:

its how society has always been. its sad to me really. if they got their heads out their ass or quit this male chauvanism pigism it woudlnt be screwing anything up. but itll never happen. but there are guys who do like to be romantic