ron paul again confirms that he is absolute scum

Are we currently being ruled by a representative form of government?
What if indeed we are? What if the vast majority of Americans actually
agree with the way things are being done? Yes you always get the
government you deserve...
I'm saying that it's better to do away with the illusion of choice ... which is what you have now.
I'm saying that it's better to do away with the illusion of choice ... which is what you have now.

well, defeatism is really popular around here.

there is some choice. especially at the local level.

sure, if someone wants to be an all-or-nothing drama queen and bitch when they don't get exactly what they want, of course there is no choice. for them. in infantile brain lock.

in washington state we wanted to make gay marriage legal. we did. that's not "the illusion of choice." that's something happening. in texas perhaps they can vote to make women chattel again, just like the good old days.
There haven't been any delusional tyrannical monarchies. Nope, never.
you're equating this guy with the nazi defendants at nuremburg?

I'm comparing, not equating.

You should read this article in full, it's a pretty good read:
The Pseudo-Courage of Chris Kyle

That kind of courage, which is conspicuous in danger and enterprise, if devoid of justice, is absolutely undeserving of the name of valor. It should rather be considered as a brutal fierceness outraging every principle of humanity. –
Cicero, The Offices, Book I Chapter XIX

As a sniper with the Navy SEALs in Iraq, Chris Kyle was shot twice and wounded on several other occasions. He is credited with 160 confirmed kills. He received several commendations. Of his fierceness there is no reasonable doubt. Whether his exploits display courage is an entirely separate question.

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History, the ghost-written memoir for which Kyle claims primary authorship, offers convincing testimony that Kyle not only failed to display genuine courage in Iraq, but was incapable of recognizing it when it was exhibited by desperate patriots seeking to evict the armed foreigners who had invaded and occupied their country.

The insurgents who fought the American invasion (and the few “allied” troops representing governments that had been bribed or brow-beaten into collaborating in that crime) were sub-human “savages” and “cowards,” according to Kyle.

“Savage, despicable evil,” writes Kyle. “That’s what we were fighting in Iraq…. People ask me all the time, `How many people have you killed?’... The number is not important to me. I only wish I had killed more. Not for bragging rights, but because I believe the world is a better place without savages out there taking American lives.”

None of the American military personnel whose lives were wasted in Iraq had to die there, because none of them had any legitimate reason to be there. From Kyle’s perspective, however, only incorrigibly “evil” people would object once their country had been designated the target of one of Washington’s frequent outbursts of murderous humanitarianism.

Read more.

That whole phrase, and fore that matter what Jesus was about was/is what is in the "heart".
So, we'll never know if that whole indecent had anything to do with that or not.

Unjust aggression is not limited to the heart. Jesus' phrase was in response to a literal act that had taken place.
Monarchy isn't the best .. but it sure beats the farce you guys are living. Land of the free ... what a joke. Your gov't is bought and paid for, so are your cops and judges ... and every 4 years you parade to the poles ... despite the fact that you know the electronic voting machines are built by a company owned by the son of a prominent politician. You get to choose between two pre-selected candidates .. neither of whom anyone will call anything other than the lesser of two evils. C'mon guys .. lie to me, but don't lie to yourselves.
yeah i'm sure my standard of living would be great under a monarchy, a mode of government that corresponds to a simple, moronic, extractive economy. where downtrodden serfs weep at the sight of the royal tribute collector. and have to deal with sootikens regularly. but, right... we're all fools...

bring out yer dead.


comparing not equating yet you use other people's words to cast him as a coward. i think we who that crown belongs to.

I used the article to elaborate the point on how he was a pawn for the military industrial complex. The coward point was extra. You see, you seem to be like who cares if the reason why he is there is unjust or not. He was there so GO USA! USA! USA!
gee I just thought you were a nutball
but now I can include a blood red hate for you as well?
yeah i'm sure my standard of living would be great under a monarchy, a mode of government that corresponds to a simple, moronic, extractive economy. where downtrodden serfs weep at the sight of the royal tribute collector. and have to deal with sootikens regularly. but, right... we're all fools...

bring out yer dead.


And you don't weep and cower at receiving a letter from the IRS .. even if you've done nothing wrong? You don't double check your speedo as you pass a cop parked on the side of the road ... even though you know you're not speeding?