Ron Paul excluded from Fox debate


New Member
New Hampshire polls have him leading Thompson by a decent margin and some polls have him ahead of Huckabee and Giuliani.

PLAISTOW, N.H. -- Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him.

"They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview at a diner here. "They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative."

Paul's staff said they are beginning to plan a rally that will take place at the same time the 90-minute debate will air on television. It will be taped at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown.

"They will not win this skirmish," he promised.

The Fox debate occurs less than 24 hours after two back to back Republican and Democratic debates on the same campus sponsored by ABC News, WMUR-TV and the social networking website Facebook.

Paul, the Republican Texas Congressman, was wrapping up his final day of campaigning in New Hampshire until the Iowa Caucuses on Thursday.

He spent much of the day campaigning at diners in Manchester and Plaistow and downtown walks in Derry and Exeter.
From where I sit, Ron Paul has two things going for his campaign.


and this.

I know in my observations driving around here, his campaign signs outnumber everyone else's combined at least 15 to 1. I recall seeing 2 for Thompson, one for Edwards, and one for Mccain. The rest are Paul.

Could be interesting.
Fox doing this helps him more than hurts him but he's no more electable than Perot was.
Fox doing this helps him more than hurts him but he's no more electable than Perot was.

Probably not, but it'll make things interesting at least.

I still can't find a candidate to support with any gusto. Right now it's Paul or Thompson for me, and neither of them make my nads throb. Giuliani, Romney and Huckleberry are not options. McCain I don't trust as far as I could spit him. Kermit the Fuggin Frog would be better than any Demonrat running.

Still looks like a write-in for ol' Jeff Davis I guess.
How can a guy who is so right be so absolutely wrong at the same time. (Ron Paul, that would be)

Should he be excluded? Probably not. Let the voters decide.

When are the Democrats gonna get the balls to do a Fox debate (Hillary has Bill's in a lock box-that doesn't count)
Paul has one thing going for him that the others lack ... militant, passionate followers. It should always be recognized tho, that voting against the establishment instead of for something is what let the Parti Quebecois get power.
Debate? What debate? I was too busy watching football on Saturday night. Damn good game, too.

Actually, yes, I knew the debates were going to be televised, but since I don't give a frozen rat's ass for any of the bodies that are running, I wasn't planning to watch. They all make promises there is no way in hell they can keep.
Debate? What debate? I was too busy watching football on Saturday night. Damn good game, too.

Actually, yes, I knew the debates were going to be televised, but since I don't give a frozen rat's ass for any of the bodies that are running, I wasn't planning to watch. They all make promises there is no way in hell they can keep.
Have they gotten worse over the last twenty years or so or is it just my imagination. I mean it seems like when I was younger there was a limit to what they'd say to get elected. Maybe it's just me...
I recall them always promising all things to all people. I just don't recall them doing it for a year & a half.
I recall them always promising all things to all people. I just don't recall them doing it for a year & a half.

Seems they've been doing it for a year and a half already and there's still most of a year to go.
The biggest problem with the promises ---
All the President can do is suggest. The actual power rests with Congress.
The biggest problem with the promises ---
All the President can do is suggest. The actual power rests with Congress.

The biggest problem with the promises is that anyone with half a brain knows they're meaningless and yet they're the main focus of each campaign. And people wonder why voters are apathetic.
You mean "still."

Care to name a news-carrying network not engaged in the activity?

Broad brush first; highlights later. Bob Ross taught it for years.


Bob Ross said:
We'll put a little tree over here...and then another, so he'll have a friend...everybody needs a friend...