Ron Paul excluded from Fox debate

Looks like Paul is beating Thompson by a good margin again and in a dead heat with Giuliani.

I'd love to hear an official explanation on why Fox excluded Paul and not those two.

John McCain 63,740 37%
Mitt Romney 55,000 32%
Mike Huckabee 19,339 11%
Rudy Giuliani 14,769 9%
Ron Paul 13,402 8%
Fred Thompson 2,072 1%
Duncan Hunter 870 1%
Care to name a news-carrying network not engaged in the activity?

Broad brush first; highlights later. Bob Ross taught it for years.


Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Sighhhhhhhhhh.
Is Thompson even running? I've heard very little from him.

Perhaps Rudy needs to concede now. His personal life will get in the way of his MAYOR FOR KING life.
Voter fraud allegations now in NH

Major allegations of vote fraud in New Hampshire are circulating after Hillary Clinton reversed a mammoth pre-polling deficit to defeat Barack Obama with the aid of Diebold electronic voting machines, while confirmed votes for Ron Paul in the Sutton district were not even counted.

According to a voter in Sutton, New Hampshire, three of her family members voted for Ron Paul, yet when she checked the voting map on the Politico website, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero.
With 100% of precincts now reporting, the map still says zero votes for Ron Paul as you can see below.

It's not as if Sutton had a handful of voters like some other districts - a total of 386 people voted yet we are led to believe that not one voted for Ron Paul? Judging by the Iowa results, around 10% of residents would be expected to vote for the Congressman, returning a total of around 38 votes in this district. Let's be ultra-conservative and say just 5% support Paul - he'd still get 19 votes - but he got absolutely none whatsoever. Is there something wrong with this picture?

Greenville also tallied 144 votes yet not one for Congressman Paul.

Anyone else in Sutton who voted for Ron Paul needs to go public immediately with the charge of vote fraud and make it known that they were cheated out of their right to vote.
Some counties have the sense to delete people's votes they don't agree with?

According to a voter in Sutton, New Hampshire, three of her family members voted for Ron Paul, yet when she checked the voting map on the Politico website, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero.
With 100% of precincts now reporting, the map still says zero votes for Ron Paul as you can see below.
I think
My candidate
wrote them off from the beginning.
We'll see what the SC numbers do.