Ron Paul is forecast to win Iowa

daggonmanillltellyouwhat gothman, the ol' fruitlooperryman, faggotman malecheerleaderbeen blowindudesman. daggonman illtell you whatman that fagranalgorescampaignman olltootty fruitty. ronpauliowamandaggonman...

well, ron paul would support state's rights to burn homosexuals at the stake, and blames us for 9/11, so what is not to love?
sure. i'd certainly rather have a know-it-all nutcase-savior than someone who is largely wrong but predictable, too.
hah yer the kinda guy that wouldn't
have joined in rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic
You aren't going to be given a choice, none of us are.

So shaddup, willya?


man, it really is looking more and more, with each process that you are right.

Just too many incidents where lates vote just appear, and handwritten, and all manner of suspicious stuff.
holy fucking shit it's late handwritten votes and other suspicious shit that is going to produce what has been fucking obvious all along i.e. a romney candidacy? maybe you should mention the people forced to vote for romney at gunpoint too. or the ones they piped in from GUATEMALA.

maybe somebody been practicing witchcraft too!

holy fucking shit it's late handwritten votes and other suspicious shit that is going to produce what has been fucking obvious all along i.e. a romney candidacy? maybe you should mention the people forced to vote for romney at gunpoint too. or the ones they piped in from GUATEMALA.

maybe somebody been practicing witchcraft too!'re voting for Romney this round?
I'm still here. Last night was quite surprising and suspicious. Santorum's surge came out of nowhere. Rom Paul did come out at a strong third. But remember, we are still a republic!

Romney, Santorum, and Paul are all tied for first place. They each received 6 delegates last night. Remember it is the delegates who decide who wins the primary, not the popular vote.

Ron Paul did well last night.
I'm still here. Last night was quite surprising and suspicious.

suspicious why, because your boy didn't do as well as you'd hoped? do you suspect witchcraft, again?

hmmm probably the same reason you weren't voted prom king... :retard4: