Ron Paul is forecast to win Iowa

Glad to hear you're not dangling from the rafters.

Romney, Santorum, and Paul are all tied for first place. They each received 6 delegates last night. Remember it is the delegates who decide who wins the primary, not the popular vote.

Paul did well with the younger liberal leaning folks but I think you're going to be a little upset on how those delegates actually go.
what a silly question that is. that's like suggesting that i would buy the country's best-selling beer - bud light - simply because i know that it is most popular.

He might have hope & change too
yes that was my ultra-clever sleight-of-hand. all very suspicious isn't it? i think there are evil spirits manipulating things here. don't you?
LOL dude. yeah your delusions of persecution make me unhappy. it's just cause i care about you.

but, um, could you recommend a good psychotherapist? preferably someone who doesn't have curious fingers like the last one?
Ron Paul the Ralph Nader of the right?

I have always driven Fords
and voted a straight Republican ticket
keeps things simple
LOL dude. yeah your delusions of persecution make me unhappy. it's just cause i care about you.

but, um, could you recommend a good psychotherapist? preferably someone who doesn't have curious fingers like the last one?

I hear Dr Phil is ok.:eyemouth:
come one come all, Ron Paul is a nutball

I thought all the rednecks vowed never to buy
another Jimmy after the bail out

I thought only fags, metro's and dumb women bought
or would drive a toyota prius

I thought that every time a Demonrat was in office
and downsized the military we ended up in a war

I thought that if you make having a handgun illegal
only criminals would have guns

I thought that the clearly failed results of the war on poverty and
the great society and the ensuing destruction of the Negro family
would cause them to flock to the Republican party?

yanno I guess that's just what you get for thinking
I thought if we all just quit thinking, every thing would be unicorns and pixie dust rainbows.
Who is Ron Paul?

Fuckin' A right boyo

besides we are all too gol-danged stoopid to think for ourselves anyway
the anointed one will make all of our life decisions for us from now on

It seems like a strategic move not to piss off the American people
A lot of people look at it like ...why were they asking for money when there
was a way to get by without it.
You don't think that might have pissed some off?

doesn't seem plausible to me.
btw, don't get me wrong....
I like the products, (at least the older stuff), I speaking strictly from
a political point of view.

(I don't know about any of the new cars much. I like pre-2k stuff)