Cnn reported originally it was the tiger's first time on stage. The tonights version said the tiger had performed in the show many times before.
Anyway, not what I came here to say.
And that was ... *thinks really hard*
Ah yes. Working with live animals. Wild live animals to boot. Big, huge, giant, wild, live, animal cats. Now, I don't exactly know the setup of the show, stage, audience, etc. But, I'd think that with such large, wild (etc etc) animals in the show, there would be
several trained professionals at each and every showing in the FRONT ROW wielding quick-acting stun treatments in case of such unpredictable mishaps.
In fact, from the (limited) information I know of the incident, "they" (show crew) got the tiger to release his hold of Roy by spraying him with a fire extinguisher.
Does this place not have standard emergency procedures? It seems to me that a show so prestigeous and established, in a well-to-do hotel of the same, are so ... lax on their practices.