Fact: Ben Cardin (D-MD), Who Fox Did An Ad for, Voted AGAINST Stem Cell Research
He may be a little left for my taste, but I like that he's push the
that's the left part I was referring to.Again...embryonic stem cell research is not illegal in the USA. Never has been. Most likely never will be.
and so he's getting funds elsewhere as best he can, and that's the part that's good.Federal funding is the issue. There is none - save for the few remaining (are there any left?) eggs already in storage.
Oh they can pay for it, but they probably aren't as likely to make as much money.If it were that damned lilkely to be a big help, the Pharmaceuticals would be tripping over themsleves trying to fund R&D. They can spend a billion or two on keeping your dick hard...they can sure as shit pay for this too.
Actor Michael J. Fox says he's against human cloning, against human egg farming and hasn't read a Missouri constitutional amendment measure he has championed in television ads that critics contend would promote both.