Rush Limbaugh monologue 6-8-09 -- "Obama is destroying The economy"

The economy tanked on Bush's watch. Limbaugh is a tool.

I know you drool over his every word but I'm sorry Jim.
This thread reminds me a lot of the Chevy Astro minivan. It came out in 1985 and, save for a new nose and new dashboard along the way, it was the same van when it was discontinued after the 2005 model year. Twenty years and it hardly changed.

Now, for why Jim's post and Spike's response would both remind me of a minivan that didn't change much over the years... I don't think I need to explain it.
The economy tanked on Bush's watch. Limbaugh is a tool.

I know you drool over his every word but I'm sorry Jim.

Yes, it did tank on Bush's watch. Now, what did Bush do that hurt the economy? Yes boys and girls, he spent too much money. And what is Obama's solution? Spend more money!! Yea!!!!
You guys are so lucky to have such a lard-ass blowhard to think for you! I'm sure it saves time and trouble while you are getting screwed by your employer for a fast buck huh?
they don't need to worry about that shit. they are on the right team and contributing to the future of america!
I'm sure it saves time and trouble while you are getting screwed by your employer for a fast buck huh?

I still have an employer. Under my plan, that can continue. Under yours, not so much.

*still awaiting a poor guy to pay me*
Rush on what 0bamarama did inherit:

Barack Obama continually, childishly, immaturely blames predecessors for all of the mess that he and he alone has compounded. If he wants to talk about what he inherited, I’d like to put it down on the record what he inherited. The problem is he inherited it temporarily. He’s in the process of destroying it.

Barack Obama inherited greatness in a nation. He inherited the birthplace of the individual. He inherited the defender of liberty at home and abroad, the United States of America. He inherited the opportunity to lead a nation of sheer exceptionalism, a nation of equal opportunity, a nation which featured its citizens the right to fail and to try and try and try again. He inherited the financial center and capital of the world. Barack Obama inherited the country that has successfully championed capitalism and widespread prosperity. He inherited a nation which liberated billions of people who lived in oppression. He also inherited great responsibility. He inherited the responsibility to lead this great nation, the world’s lone superpower, a nation oriented toward the good of humanity. He inherited the responsibility to preserve and strengthen the free markets and economies that made this the greatest nation in the history of human civilization. He inherited the responsibility to continue the philosophy and the tradition of a country founded on Judeo-Christian morals, ethics, and principles.

He inherited the Constitution of the United States. He did not claim the right to remake it, to rewrite it, to change it. He swore to uphold it. And he’s in the process of wreaking as much damage to the Constitution as he can get away with, with nominations like Sonia Sotomayor, as he is wreaking damage to the US economy. Barack Obama did not inherit a mess. He leads a mess. He inherited the United States of America, where anything is possible. And greatness has been delivered to the world time after time in the form of private sector inventions, innovations, advancements in products that improve people’s lives for over 200 years. He inherited a country of individuals energized by their liberty and strengthened by their character. Barack Obama inherited the leadership of the greatest collection of human beings in the history of human existence.

And what has he done with this inheritance? He has run around the world and apologized at every stop he makes for what he considers the sins, the immorality, and the unjust unfairness of the way he perceives the United States of America. He inherited a country that liberates the oppressed, as I said. He inherited the greatest economy in history. He inherited that, nothing more, nothing less, plus the Constitution. There is nothing to apologize for. It is childish, it’s babyish, it is immature, it is unbecoming anyone who holds the office of president of the United States to run around crying like a baby while lying about the mess he inherited, because he didn’t inherit a mess. He inherited years and decades of stewardship from the Oval Office of the greatest nation in history. In his mind, he inherited a flawed social experiment. He has now made the mess that is the United States economy. He is making a mess of United States foreign policy.

There is a lot to be proud of this country, but you don’t hear much about that from the Oval Office or wherever Obama’s teleprompter happens to be planted. We don’t hear people in his administration talk about how proud they are of this country and how proud they are of the people who make this country work. There is a lot of work to be done, but not the way Obama is proceeding. He is creating more work for future generations to reclaim their birthright that is the greatness of this country. Barack Obama is destroying what others before him preserved and expanded upon.
Being my own employer in a business that is actually growing due to the economy, I really have little to complain about.

I just know the conservative stance of no minimum wage, no benefits, and treat employees like they stole something (well they did you had to pay them right?)
Being my own employer...I just know the conservative stance of no minimum wage, no benefits,

Glad to hear it.

Starting on Monday, you are required employ, equating the proper balance of gender, sexual preference & skin tone, paying them no less than $12.45 an hour (we expect to see at least 25% of your employees getting more), forty hour minimum & time and a half over 40 hours.

You must also allow them to take up to 40 weeks a year off, without threat to their job, should some personal matter arise. If you hire a replacement, you may not fire them upon the return of the first empoyee. Payment of their salary, while not currently required, is promoted.

Furthermore, you will pay medical insurance premiums for all employees, including family. The minimum stipluations are covered under Act 36, Chapter 16, Sections 14, 17, 18, 19 & 20C of the municiapl code & Subsections 56A, F, G, H, U & Z of the CFR.

More to follow, at my our collective whim.
Being my own employer in a business that is actually growing due to the economy, I really have little to complain about.

I just know the conservative stance of no minimum wage, no benefits, and treat employees like they stole something (well they did you had to pay them right?)

I'm not sure "crack dealer" counts a self-employed. How many mules do you have working for you?
Oh so is this not a personal attack? ^^^

Oh well, at least I didn't put up my own photo for an avatar!

There is always the possibility he got things mixed up and meant "meth dealer". :shrug:

The question stands: as independent contractors do those mules receive a 1099 form?