Rush Limbaugh monologue 6-8-09 -- "Obama is destroying The economy"

I found the transcript.
Thank you...will print/read it this afternoon. Comments forthcoming.

Added 1st read: My God, the man is all over the place! How can you listen to someone that can't even state an argument from start to finish with at least the semblance of milestones or direction?*
What is necessary is that unions keep defending the interests of the workers not the interests of the union.

Unfortunately, there's power in numbers..and the bigger the Union is, the more bureaucracy is needed to keep it running. It's an industry in and of itself, and seems to be more interested in profits rather than the interests of the common worker.

Hell, it's ironic that something created to protect the worker often overlooks the workers they're meant to protect.
The UAW succeeded in bankrupting two out of three
American car manufacturers.

Unions, let us observe how they,
in cahoots with Osama, succeed in killing off GM.
Part #1

I find it laughable that Rush is attempting to raise the ‘Obama is a commie’ flag by employing Keynes’ detractors’ arguments. Keynes was talking about how macro/micro economics worked and how they might fail…as well as how to recover from a failed economic structure. It’s the exact same plan that Obama’s predecessor put on the table and put into motion and that Obama simply cannot just stop on a dime. Let's not blame Bush tho' - Obama's shoulders are wide enough. Where'd I put that knife?

Even more laughable is Rush’s offering of a solution to the whole mess… forget about all the infrastructure spending and shovel-ready projects, let the Detroit 3 fail, allow all the banks to collapse and simply…give small businesses and individuals a tax break and the market will recover. Companies who are laying people off ‘cause nobody’s buying their stuff will hire all those people back and more, massively increasing their cost of doing business and just have wait for the buyers will come back in droves, before they go out of business for good…all for the sake of a few percentage points off of the taxes they pay on products they aren’t selling.

Hell, companies are failing because they can’t borrow money to buy raw materials to make goods, and when that’s not happening; they’re failing because the companies that used to buy their stuff can’t because they too don’t have credit.

Ah..but don’t worry about any of that. Give small businesses a few thousand dollars/year in tax credits and they’ll hire hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of employees as a thank you. Give current employees a few bucks back per paycheck and they’ll spend a few thousand buying up new American Made™ products. Close your eyes, cross all your fingers and pray HARD and all this will go away!
let the Detroit 3 fail, allow all the banks to collapse and simply…give small businesses and individuals a tax break and the market will recover.

It's worked every other time and it would work this time as well but Noooooooo!
Oh Bishy Bishy Bishy
your last post shows clearly how far apart
the Liberal (i.e. socialist- commie ) and
viewpoints are on this subject.
(a chasm that can never be crossed)

You should take heart that a commie is in office
during this so called ‘recession’
(history will call it a depression)
with any luck your side will be able to spin Osama
as our savior just like Roosevelt was portrayed before.

Or perhaps my side will get its wish in 2012?
Winky m'dear...
you can chant less is more
at the top of your lungs 'till the cows come home,
but it'll never bring back the 1700's.
Oh, those dizzy days of no gvt interference....
nor will it change the minds of any politician,
be s/he a con, a lib or a fence-sitter.

Your Grampappy's grampappy spilled the tea
no use crying over it now.
Maybe the milk of human kindness,
or a tax-cut or two
will pull you out of the Bush hole
before you get a pregnant pause
in your economy, comrade.

Neither the cheerleader,
nor the senior-moment would've done
it any different..and you know it.
Not now, and not in
"Four more years"

See ya in '16
If what you say is true then with the command and control
government directed economy all will be mended?

oh No my widdle socialist Canadian friend
long before 2012 things will have gotten SO bad
that even you folks in the great frozen white north
will begin to feel the searing flames of the boiling
cauldron of seething economic unrest down south.
Poor business strategy did that.

Yeah, like agreeing to pay union workers their full pay and benefits while they are not working causing expenditures of $5 billion per year for benefits and $2 billion a year for steel to build cars.