Rush Limbaugh the smackhead

I think what squiggs was trying to point out is that it is a choice. even rush said it. he knew he was becomming addicted and instead of doing something( having another sugery) he CHOSE to use the drugs. while its true that people vary in their threshhold of pain tolerance, if an alternative to the drugs is offered and they choose the drugs over it, then i feel no pitty for them. it was their choice to do the drugs.

and yes if the only reason he isnt being prosecuted is because of his celebrity status and giving names of the dealers, then yes he definately is a worm.
but you know what just like all celebrities he will go get "clean" and come out smelling like a rose to most of his fans.
:D This is starting to remind me of an ex member...better not speak the ol man's name though....

AE, seriously, being in the medical profession, wouldn't you think that if he weren't just enjoying the drugs he could have taken the money he spent on them and had the problem taken care of by doctors?
The WORST THING YOU CAN EVER DO is have back surgery.

In some cases it works...but as Squig pointed out

I have pain every fucking day

So what good was the surgery.

As many doctors will tell you (and so will I).


I would not get my back cut unless I was practically at the point that it couldnt get any worse (Ie. nearly wheel chair reliant).

When it comes to back problems in many cases it is MUCH better to tx medically instead of surgically.

I wont hold that against you though. Your post "sounds logical". Its just that the underlying basis was off a bit.

Hell dont be surprised. The "medical tx over surgical intervention" is becoming more prevalant now that long term statistics and more research into efficacy of surgical intervention is becoming available.


The more invasive...the worse it is on the patient. In the world of medicine....often times "less is more"

The scar tissue alone for back procedures or abdominal procedures CAN BE WORSE THAN the original problem.
Squiggy said:
:D This is starting to remind me of an ex member...better not speak the ol man's name though....

AE, seriously, being in the medical profession, wouldn't you think that if he weren't just enjoying the drugs he could have taken the money he spent on them and had the problem taken care of by doctors?

Yes..that is always a possibility with chronic pain patients.

I admit that.

I just dont think that either you or me are in a position to judge a specific patient without reviewing the medical record, spending time with that person, and speaking with the doctor.

Now lets be fair....dont you agree that is logical.

Hey if you dont like Rush and his politics. have at it. I wont argue with you there.

Im just saying we should not judge a person with a medical illness and or kick them when they are down.

ON another day, I might feel just struck me as judgemental for some reason.

:D By the way, if your talking about ol' man, I wont tell him.
Damn guys, You think someone was called an error or sumthin' :D

BTW, Rush did address people like Squiggy, directly

Well, I am no role model. I refuse to let anyone think I am doing something great here, when there are people you never hear about, who face long odds and never resort to such escapes. They are the role models. I am no victim and do not portray myself as such. I take full responsibility for my problem.
2 important points:

1) Unless you have proof (or a NY Times story) that Rush was directly involved with the ILLEGAL sales of narcotics, let's wait & see. I won't be shocked if it's true but I will be surprised;

2)Given the possibilities of another surgery & the potential problems that can hapen (like paralysis) I'm not sure I'd take that route, especially after 2 failed attempts.
I hope Rush recovers. I have had friends addicted to smack, it's not pretty. One guy almost had his arm amputated because he used a dirty needle. My friends mother was dying of cancer and was addicted to oxicontin. She spent her last days sitting in a chair, watching the clock, waiting for the moment she was to take her next pill.

After he recovers, I hope he gains a little humility from this experience. Maybe he won't be so quick to judge others as he has in the past.

I hope he gains a little humility from this experience. Maybe he won't be so quick to judge others as he has in the past.

Then he may as well retire. That's part of the attraction of his show. He's willing to say stuff that polite society isn't ready for (as judged by reactions I get here). He rarely judges people (unless they're Dems), it's usually judging actions, which is fine.
One thing I have noticed.

When Im "feeling up" and in good spirits, I too am really quick to judge and point the finger.

When Im down in the dumps. I become much more understanding and empathical towards others.

For some people...when your down, you have no intrest in bringing others down nor could you give a flip.

For some people...when your down, you would rather lend a helping hand to others, be more agreeable, understanding, and aware of other peoples problems.
Squiggy said:
AE...speaking of knowing better than most, these are my xrays. I've been dealing with the pain for years. And I'll take a piss day anytime you want and pass it.

Hey, yours look just like mine.

I have chronic pain and I use pain killer from time to time (doesn't your hardware hurt if you are over-active?)

I am not addicted. Rush became addicted because he didn't try not to. If you are really in pain you'd be stupid to take more and more and more till you get addicted. It would become useless as a painkiller.

Oxycontin is strong and I don't accept it unless I'm immobilized by pain. (Once since my operation last year).
If he's munching those on a daily basis it's becuase he wants to fix and or get high.

He was copping from his housekeeper (aka in-house drug dealer) so we can't blame the doctors. This is a junkie in action.

It's jackasses like this that make chronic pain management a political issue instead of a medical one.

People that say drugs are for the weak-minded ought to remember that if they contract pneumonia and need anti-biotics.

Those that think pain killers should not be prescribed, well the time will come when they are begging someone to make the pain stop. It happens to everyone eventually.
Sorry you're one of us Cirdan. (sufferers, not member) I feel your pain...literally. Anything I do too long hurts...sitting, standing, walking, and if I get too active I start spasming and can barely draw a breath...Feels like you have 12 broken ribs... I never was much for pain killers (the serious type) so I stopped using them as soon as I could bear it. I do lean on aspirin or motrin and I keep flexeril for spasms but I don't take it unless its needed.
I was amazed at how much discomfort the appliance actually causes. They told me I wouldn't even feel it. But every time I sit down I can feel half the bolts pinching my skin against the chair...Its created a couple of hot spots of tender inflammed skin above some of the bolts...But I'll live. Unfortunately :D
Limbaughs admission certainly gives new meaning to "Dittohead" don't ya think :D
I was doing pretty well until I moved some furniture. :stupid:

I hadn't had a spasm since the surgery (1 year) but when I did it was the worst one ever, and I've had quite a few over the years.

How long since you were on the table, Squiggy?

Flexeril makes me sleepy for 24 hours so it's a last resort.

I hate the bolt heads. The surgeons should learn to sinnk them like carpenters.
Its been 2 years since the operation now....I'm getting around fairly well and consider myself functional at this point. I find it hard to live within the limitations most days so I create problems for myself from time to time...But it continues to slowly improve and I figure, by the time I die, I'll be nimble enough to jump in the casket unassissted...:D
Squiggy said:
Sorry you're one of us Cirdan. (sufferers, not member) I feel your pain...literally. Anything I do too long hurts...sitting, standing, walking, and if I get too active I start spasming and can barely draw a breath...Feels like you have 12 broken ribs... I never was much for pain killers (the serious type) so I stopped using them as soon as I could bear it. I do lean on aspirin or motrin and I keep flexeril for spasms but I don't take it unless its needed.
I was amazed at how much discomfort the appliance actually causes. They told me I wouldn't even feel it. But every time I sit down I can feel half the bolts pinching my skin against the chair...Its created a couple of hot spots of tender inflammed skin above some of the bolts...But I'll live. Unfortunately :D

Beware. Non Steroid Anti-inflammatory meds taken chronically can have very bad side effects also. Physicians and the International Classification of Diseases and Procedures classify these "over the counter" meds as "High Risk".