Rush on presidential failure; and what the Founders intended

*pssst* rachel maddow's audience is also a bunch of chimps.

and, by the way, there is no such thing as class in america. :circle:
Yes they were and Rush is a total lightweight. I don't see how anyone with any real admiration at all for the founding fathers could have anything but contempt for Limbaugh.

Because, for years, listening to the media was a one way ticket. Rush came along & gave some people a voice that wasn't progressive patter. He was, and still is, a voice in the wilderness that says what many of us think. Many people had no voice. Conservatives, when they bothered to complain, got their :15. One average Joe(or Jane), surrounded by a left leaning air professional (typically several of them-ever watch Face the Nation?) who knew how to make you look bad. He gave the right a hope that they weren't the dying embodiment of the past.

Rush is an over-the-top media personality. An entertainer. He's the anti-Stern. He's more informed (having a staff helps) than most, on either side. AM radio was a dying media. Rush, single-handedly, saved it. He created a new-wave of information. We no longer had to rely on CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NY Times, etc, for information. When he brings up a story, I personally investigate the information, to see what he left out. The important part is, there is a new source of informaiton. Now we have Sean Hannity (now there's a Republican pawn) & Glenn Beck (interesting but goofy) as top contenders. I truly wish there was a left-wing equivalent that had some personality. What's his face from MN is abrasive & caustic. Gerafalo is a vile creature who lives to denigrate people, not ideas. Randi Rhodes, the same (though less poisonous).

Like him or not, we're talking about Rush. That's what he wants. PR. If he were unimportant, this thread (and the other one) would have died without response. If he were not touching a nerve, one that sends shivers up the spines of liberals & scares them to death, if he was a blatant fool or a misguided ideologue, he'd be dismissed. Any man that creates this much loathing must be on to something.
and, by the way, there is no such thing as class in america. :circle:

give certain folks time and this will be true. then what happens to ideals like initiative, drive, work ethic, stuff like that? going the way of the picture tube?

i dont want to see that. if i did i would move to china
one could fairly convincingly argue that that time is already upon us.

hope yer good with chopsticks.