Rush to your local jetpack dealer


Well-Known Member
I was watching a program on the history channel(the guy from fmj) tonight that showed some guys flying around on jetpacks!!! I knew they had them but i've never actually watched anyone use them before. It was so fucking cool to see these guys flying through trees at 30mph and 30 ft off the ground. It reminded me of the first time i played tribes. I guess the charge lasts 45 seconds and can carry you 800 ft, reach a height of 60ft and reach a top speed of 60mph. Doesn't sound like much but that's better even than the packs in tribes. If it was that much fun in a game just imagine how fun they'd be in real life.
They've been around since the sixties. What I wanna know, is where the hell is my flying car????? :retard:

(Can you imagine flying cars with the way people drive?)
Imagine the military applications. Paratroopers with faster and more precise maneuvering

The added expense and maintenance would offset just a regular parachute and a willing idi...err...volunteer to do the job...;)
How about a 1-use jet pack? Have to be refilled (if recovered) for additional uses?

If it's thrust only that's needed, where are several chemicals that when combined expand enormously (as opposed to exploding). All you need is steering after that...oh, and someone to scrape the off of the rads of passing semis, in case the volunteers decide to fly too low ;)
How about a 1-use jet pack? Have to be refilled (if recovered) for additional uses?

If it's thrust only that's needed, where are several chemicals that when combined expand enormously (as opposed to exploding). All you need is steering after that...oh, and someone to scrape the off of the rads of passing semis, in case the volunteers decide to fly too low ;)

Ummm...There are parachutes here in my shop that have been in use since 1963. Patched in places, but still quite servicable.
Personally...I'd hate to be the guy who got given the 44 year old chute that was still serviceable :p