Russia Preparing for Nuclear Attacks on U.S, Britain

Just days before this speech, the Russian daily "Nezavisimaya Gazata" ("The Independent") published an article which must have made alarm bells go off in Western capitals, but which has so far been ignored by most Western media. The article told of a planned Russian military exercise focussing on "delivering hypothetical nuclear strikes on the US and Britain, while locating and destroying aircraft-carrier groups of the US Navy". The exercise was said to include the complete destruction of all US navigation and spy satellites in order to blind the "hypothetical" enemy

Reliable source
When asked for details, the Russian Defence Ministry has gone out of its way to play down the actual scope of these exercises. But the author of the article told Radio Netherlands his paper sticks to the story that is said to come straight from a highly placed source in the Russian military command structure.
Source: Radio Netherlands

*edit* For what its worth, the lack of information on this particular report makes me more than skeptical. One would think if Russia wanted us to know about it, we'd know more information from more sources. :shrug: However, I wonder what Putin's speech (as cited in the article above) will end up foreshadowing, if anything.
i'm sure we have plenty of hypothetical scenarios that involve attacking even our closest allies in the event that things go supersour. its not a sign of animosity or potential breakdowns in relations and more a a reality of defense systems.
Guess Putin won't be coming to visit the ranch anytime soon... :D

As a side note...When the Soviet Union was around, they held exercises like that on an intermittent basis for 40 years. Why is this so scary now? :rolleyes:
HeXp£Øi± said:
Well no shit but does that mean they're no threat? Of course they don't want to attack us they'd be wiped out. North Korea doesn't want to attack us either but we consider them a threat with 1000th the arsenal that Russia has

How are they are threat if they don't have the slightest intention to attack you? Is that not the very defintion of a threat? Otherwise your neighbour with his pistol in the cabinet and everyone else in the street is also a threat to you. Better not let your son drive the car, he would then have the capacity to run you over, hence he's a threat to you too. :rolleyes: Bit of realism, please.

As for N.Korea, they are considered a threat not because of any plans to attack the US, but because the US feels they might try to use their eventual nuclear capacity as leverage to bully other countries around them. Furthermore, it is obvious to anyone with half a brain that N Korea has no intention of attacking the US, but what they do intend to do is to try and make the US think that there's a possibilty of that - something which Russia would never even dream of.

Shouldn't you be afraid of Britain now too because they have nuclear capability as well? Better add them to the threat list.
Simple capacity is no proof of the crime. Russia have the weapons but are certainly no threat to the US. Anyone suggesting otherwise has eaten a few too many magic mushrooms.
threat, n.
An expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil, or punishment.
An indication of impending danger or harm.
One that is regarded as a possible danger; a menace.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.


The expression of an intention to inflict evil or injury on another; the declaration of an evil, loss, or pain to come; menace; threatening; denunciation.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
How are they are threat if they don't have the slightest intention to attack you?

a13antichrist I simply cannot believe the shit you are spewing. You just don't do something like this if the idea isn't in you mind in the first place. No ones trying to say that we're about to be attacked by the ussr so just stop already.
This conversation has already become useless and uninteresting so i'm done with it.