Well, this factor should have been considered before the war was started. We knew that this could happen, and it was a risk that 'we' apparently were willing to take. If we hit a civillian target, or another country by mistkake because of these devices, is their fault or ours? I think we know the answer to this. Our technology gives us a huge advantage, but we must also consider its limitations, and accept those limitations. I know, it sounds unpatriotic, but we should have considered this possibility in advance. I'm sorry its happening, but we knew that risk existed before we committed to all of this, yet we still went forward. We only have ourselves to blame for this. You can't really blame the Russians or the Iraqis, as much as that may be more convienent to do. After all, the Iraqis are only defending themselves, and the Russians firms only sold defensive military hardware. In fact, its completely nothreatening military hardware. I don't know how you can place the blame elsewhere in this case. Ok, ok, I know,there was probably some law banning such sales.