Russians suppying Iraq


Has anyone seen anything on this yet? CNN hit on it a few times today and I've been waiting to see something more in depth.
Thanks Sam. Thats pretty much what was reported on TV. I'm waiting for "official " decisions and policy on it. Looks like this road keeps getting longer...:disgust2:
Extremely....And especially after depleting our munitions on this lousy son of a ....I would sure hate to think that someone as insignificant as Saddam could be the cause of us starting WWIII
Russia hits back in shipments row

From CNN Moscow Bureau Chief Jill Dougherty
Monday, March 24, 2003 Posted: 8:27 AM EST (1327 GMT)

MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- A high-ranking Russian official has dismissed allegations by the United States that Russia is involved in illegal shipments of military equipment to Iraq as "completely baseless."

The potential is there. Worthy of scrutiny & careful considerations. You do know that in the end, politics will win.
It shouldn't be a big deal. I'm sure it pisses us off a lot, at a million or so a pop for those cruise missles! But I can't imagine any conflict over this, maybe if things were different, but not under the circumstances.

Besides as HeXp£Øi± said, its not the gov't of Russia, its just a couple profit maximizers. We always wanted them in Russian now we have em. Who are we to complain anyway, we are the biggest arms dealer on the planet!!!
:confuse3: RD, The stuff they're doing gives Iraq the ability to jam guidance systems. It could result in American deaths and, on a lesser note, cause our weapons to hit other countries. THAT would create quite a problem....

Hex, the government was asked to intervene and has ignored our requests. I don't like the idea of having to deal with them during all of this. Even if it only becomes a cold war again, its not good at all....
Well, this factor should have been considered before the war was started. We knew that this could happen, and it was a risk that 'we' apparently were willing to take. If we hit a civillian target, or another country by mistkake because of these devices, is their fault or ours? I think we know the answer to this. Our technology gives us a huge advantage, but we must also consider its limitations, and accept those limitations. I know, it sounds unpatriotic, but we should have considered this possibility in advance. I'm sorry its happening, but we knew that risk existed before we committed to all of this, yet we still went forward. We only have ourselves to blame for this. You can't really blame the Russians or the Iraqis, as much as that may be more convienent to do. After all, the Iraqis are only defending themselves, and the Russians firms only sold defensive military hardware. In fact, its completely nothreatening military hardware. I don't know how you can place the blame elsewhere in this case. Ok, ok, I know,there was probably some law banning such sales.
btw, as far as treaties and bans go, what about our building of a missle defense system? Clearly we violate treaties too! Maybe that is exactly why the Russians looked the other way on this one?
I'm not sure if defense mechanisms were outlawed or not. I was thinking it was only the WMD's and long range missles that were outlawed. I think the big thing is that it is an embarrassment to us that they Russians are not only against the war, but now supplying the enemy. You can say it's only private businesses if you want, but the fact remains, it was sold and transported from one country to another. The Russian government should have known what was going on.

I don't think this is going to be a big deal in the end though, the Russians will apologize saying they didn't know, we'll end up blowing the shit up or confiscating it anyway, problem solved. Now, who thinks the Russians are helping the North Koreans?