
I thought he was attacking me! But since I was let out not long after that, it mighta been some sort of... for future reference...thing.... but you know what? WHO CARES! IM OUT!@~!
dumb - old english, of germanic origin, related to old norse "dumbr" and gothic "dumbs" - "mute"; also to dutch "dom" - "stupid", and german "dumm" - "stupid"

dummy - from late 16th century, dumb+y. the original sense was [a person who cannot speak], then [an imaginary fourth player in whist] (mid 18th cent). whence [a substitute for the real thing] and [a model of a human being] (mid 19th cent)

so, i guess it was originally dumby. probably just one of those words that morphed over time, like how words like "ain't" came to be.
Hooray for DUMBY! It's dumby from now on, everyone. If I catch you saying it the other way, I'm banishing you to the kk! Or worse! the Real World!!!!