Saddam is to Hang


Well-Known Member
With the continuing violence in Iraq and the bitter political debate in the U.S. over the war, it's easy to forget what was accomplished in 2003: the overthrow of a mass murderer.

On Sunday, the Iraqi High Tribunal reminded the world of that fact. It found Saddam Hussein guilty of crimes against humanity. The sentence: death by hanging. The evidence against Hussein was overwhelming. He and his henchmen were found guilty of rounding up and killing 148 Shiite Muslims from the northern Iraqi town of Dujail in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt on Hussein there. Prosecutors produced an investigative report presented to Hussein that indicated 10 people were involved in the assassination attempt. Nonetheless, entire families from Dujail were detained. Death sentences against many were issued after perfunctory one-day trials. Nearly four dozen victims died in captivity--often during interrogation.

Unlike other modern tyrants, Hussein stood trial in his own country and was judged by his own people. That is a stirring accomplishment for this fledgling democracy.

Bringing Hussein to justice demanded immense courage; all those involved faced constant danger. During the yearlong trial, three defense attorneys were killed. The brother-in-law of the presiding judge was gunned down. Incredibly, some 200 relatives of victims of Dujail were reported murdered. Several families of witnesses had to be moved into the U.S.-protected Green Zone.

Through testimony and documents, the victims of Dujail were heard. And they are only the first. A second trial is under way. Hussein is accused of genocide for his role in a 1987-88 campaign against Iraqi Kurds, in which about 180,000 people were killed. All told, Hussein's regime is believed to have killed at least 300,000 Iraqis.

Hussein's death sentence probably won't be carried out soon. There are appeals and more trials. But from the famous moment that joyous crowds celebrated the toppling of Hussein's statue in 2003, Iraqis have waited for justice. Now they have it. The debate about the conduct of the Iraq war will go on. But there can be no doubt that it ended the reign of one of the world's most vicious, brutal men.

Justice is served?
*singing*I'm swinging in the rain, just swinging in the rain ....

Only thing I want to know is who's tying the knot. A western hangman will use a Hangman's noose knot, designed to break the neck and kill instantly. An eastern (or mid eastern) pretty much go with a slip knot or lariot, which kills by strangulation.
either way, it's small comfort to know he'll soil himself as he dies, and face whatever God he fears with that in his pants.
Well..the defence has 30 days to appeal. No delay tactics this time.

*As an aside: Arrested just before an election and now tried and sentenced just before an election. *peepwall*
... that glorious feee-ling ... i'm ... nappy again ...

:tomato: :tomato: :tomato:

ge-et ya tomatoes here .... loverly and juicy .. 50p a half dozen ya tomatoes here!

They need a volunteer to trip the trap door for 'em? I ain't busy that day. Be glad to hep a bruthu out. Least I could do and all that.

Reckon Al Jazeera or however is gonna be carryin that puppy live? C-SPAN perchance? Food Network? MTV26?
Won't miss the insane jackass a bit but I don't see that this really affects us (America) in any way. Positively or negatively.
Well at least he went to trial in his own country. I was pissed when they tried to arrest and judge Pinochet in Europe...
Yeah, but you been down here long enough to have a firm grasp of the whole "He needed killin" concept.

Lots of people need killin', SnP. I'm not that sure that he's even in the top ten, but every little bit helps. Have to agree with spike though. If that was the aim, I'm pretty sure we coulda gotten it done a whole lot cheaper.
Have no idea what spike said, but it scares me that you would agree with it.

Globally, yeah I'da put Saddam top ten easily. The man was a monster.

They need a volunteer to trip the trap door for 'em? I ain't busy that day. Be glad to hep a bruthu out. Least I could do and all that.

Reckon Al Jazeera or however is gonna be carryin that puppy live? C-SPAN perchance? Food Network? MTV26?
Bite your tongue!

Pay-Per-View!! We could have a contest... $100/ticket *one draw only, if you win, you get to pull the little cord to drop the trap. All expenses paid including a stay at the beautiful Baghdad Hilton overlooking the toppled statue of Saddam and the dedicated square.
Since he demanded the bullet instead of a the common criminal way, maybe they could use him as the fox to the Shiites hounds & put him down as the cur he is...after a small chase.