

New Member
I saw on the news this morning about some stuff from the letterman show last night about Saddam. There was a top 10 list of what they were surprised about what he said in the interveiw. I couldn't remember 2-10 but the number 1 was: " I'll disarm my weapons if you guys give me one shot at American Idol. "

I found that to be very funny.

Today during geography we watched a little bit of yesterdays news that talked about Saddam but in a serious way.

In my opinion, I really hope that we don't go to war, but I know we will anyway. Lots of innicent people are going to get killed because of this, which is sad.

What is your opinion about all this?
* Thinks we should all sit down and have a cup of coffee....

It won't fix anything. But, damn....I really like coffee...
lacemyster said:
What is your opinion about all this?

Lacey, honey, I bet if you dig real hard in the RW, you'll find a post or two of our discussing this. Not sure, just a hunch ;)
Why can't we enter Saddam in American Idol??

oh yeah, he's too old and not American
Show 40 threads per page is how mine is set & of that 40, about 9 are NOT directly or indirectly tied to saddam :D
did you do any backreading?? there are several threads on this as gonz said.squig if it makes ya feel better the french might alays surrender, but theyre lovers not fighters. look at the kiss you guys created :d :p