Saddest thing on earth

I know a lot of parents who, like you wake up at a pindrop ever since they had children. In this case, Frank's niece was sleeping next to him and his heart just stopped. She woke up and he was gone.

I heard you're not suppose to do that because of the risk that you may turn and lay on the child unintentionally without ever knowing and could suffocate him.
Is SIDS that thing that Inkara1 made a joke about?

("what's hard, long and makes women scream at night..." I think).

18-21 inches long, stiff, mmkes women scream at night, crib death... yes. I do think we could have survived just fine without being reminded of that little episode, though.
I heard you're not suppose to do that because of the risk that you may turn and lay on the child unintentionally without ever knowing and could suffocate him.

It's happened but people have also been sleeping with their babies since the beginning of time.
I slept with mine when they were nursing so that I wouldn't have to get out of bed every hour or so.
It's not odd that you remembered it... I was just hoping whoever forgot it would keep forgetting it.
I hardly remember ever putting those red letters in the first post.
If you're not worrying about SIDS, there always a plethora of other things to worry about.
my thoughts are with the family ...

Like most parents here, I used to wake up every so often and even put a mirror next to their mouths just to make sure they were breathing ... I still wake up to check on my 15 year old because he has asthma and before he got it under control with medication, he would have attacks while he was sleeping and wouldn't wake up ... it's under control now but ... old habits ... can't stop checking on them ...