Sagely advice

Actually, Unc, it was the three things in life to never forget (in order of importance):

1) Don't be stupid.
2) Don't never assume nothing.
3) Cover your ass.
sorry.. I failed rule 2 and assumed that my memories were clear :D . I must have overlapped the rules of Neal Boortz. At least I remembered CYA ... always CYA.
Teachers at my old school ALWAYS used to tell the students "treat people the way you want to be treated".......listening to it got annoying after a few years, but it still means something.

One of my faves "A penny saved is a penny earned" of course by ben franklin :headbang:
"Lifes a bitch, then you die."
Or extended special edition:
"Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die."
those that would give up essenial liberties for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty. Ben Franklin
my mother always said (and still does) ... "use it or lose it" .... I'll let you interpret that how you want ;)
"Never get caught with yer pants down". (Hopin' that wasn't s'pose to apply to marriage)..............

"Don't bite the hand that feeds ya". (Even dogs fail to adhere to that one at times, no?)

"Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth". (?)

"Never discuss 'religion' or politics in public". (Yeah, like why not? Afraid someone might tell ya the truth?)

In addition to many discovered truths, there's also a lot a misnomers in our favorite sayings, I believe.

Sorta leads one to wonder, "what are some of yer most dearly held 'superstitions'?":rolleyes:
My great granny, bless her soul that passed on at the age of 101 in 1994, told me month before she died suddenly...

"You know how you always learned that the meek shall inherit the earth? It's a goddamn lie..I've been meek for a century and I never inherited shit..."

grandma drank a little....

It is supposed to be mouth. Horses have ID numbers tatooed on their inner lip. Looking for it is seen as looking to see if the horse is stolen.

It means you don't trust the giver.