Saint Obama


Well-Known Member
*cue angelic music*

"One of the least remarked upon aspects of the Obama presidency has been the lack of scandals. Since Watergate, presidential and executive branch scandal has been an inescapable feature of the American presidency, but the current administration has not yet suffered a major scandal, which I define as a widespread elite perception of wrongdoing. What happened, and what are the odds that the administration's streak will continue?"

Rass :angel:
what's your point? maybe he should fuck a fat chick in a blue semen-stained dress? or is this just another way to vent about the kind of person you can't accept as president?

whichever it is, you really burned up the brain cells coming with this one, eh?
We might have one but we do not have to sit quietly & accept it.

No scandal? He's had a number of commie bastards (literally) that were either forced to resign or had their nomination pulled. However, since the mainstream media ignored it, it wasnt a scandal.

He's ignored or sidestepped laws & completely ignored the will of the people. However, since the mainstream media ignored it, it wasnt a scandal.

He's signed bills which put him as the single highest spending President on record (more than the first 43, combined). However, since the mainstream media ignored it, it wasnt a scandal.
He's had a number of commie bastards (literally) that were either forced to resign or had their nomination pulled.

Which ones?

He's ignored or sidestepped laws & completely ignored the will of the people.

He's ignored your will. That last president ignored the will of the people.

He's signed bills which put him as the single highest spending President on record

Which bills did that?
yeah. and orly taint is gonna be famous again. yawn. don't you have something better to get upset about?
Obama's re-election is assured

just wait for that October surprise

this one's gonna be a doozy!
i choose the candidate on the left.

my god, is michelle obama terrifying... and barak made a baby with it... gotta wonder about that guy.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer made this argument in broad strokes on Monday. Hard numbers back it up.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated and refined a widely cited chart, laying out the origins of the country's current fiscal trajectory. And as before, the lion's share of the problem comes from ongoing George W. Bush-era policies -- particularly deficit-financed tax cuts, which eliminated Clinton-era surpluses and left the Treasury poised for a huge hit when the financial crisis and economic downturn further eroded federal revenues.

By the end of the decade, CBPP projects that, on the current trajectory, the Bush tax cuts, exacerbated by the economic downturn, combined with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will account for the significant majority of public debt as a share of GDP.

Without those factors, and without the need for stimulus measures under President Obama, CBPP projects that the debt-to-GDP ratio would have dropped under both Presidents Bush and Obama.

So there's the facts. Now the Cons stick their head somewhere.
An example of the rigged system...

My sister-in-law has every conceivable malady known to man. Her health is just simply crap. She is on SS-Disability for one condition in particular. I can't recall the name off hand but the major symptom is brittle bones. She can, literally, turn her body & break a bone. It tends to be smaller one (ribs, in particular). She's allowed to work, so says the SSA, up to 20 hours a week. So, she does. Her $500./month SSA payment plus her 20 hours of (very small retail store) keep her in funds fit for a king doncha know.

She decided, after prodding, to go & apply for food stamps & government housing (she lost her meager little house due to inability to pay - broken bones & general health issues can cause that) Gov't assisted housing has a 2 year waiting list. Section 8 has a 3 year list. Not sure if she even bothered to get on the list) She needs assisted living elder care housing more than either of those programs.

The food stamp were a little better. She was approved. Remember her $500./mo SSA "entitlement" & her 20 hours a week job at (presumable $9.00/hr)? So, after paying her sister a stipend for rent (not quite equal to their mortgage payment) & her utilities, she was approved for & entitled to $16.00/ month in food stamps. Yep, SIXTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS. Wait, it gets better.

Her 20-something daughter, who caught pregnant just before her boyfriend & father of their bastard child went to prison for a year, applied for all the trash-people benefits & got them. Free pregnancy care & free birthing & whatever BS entitlements they get for feeding said bastard children (Moms, Cheese & Milk or something). Oh, and food stamps. Her boyfriend just got out of prison & he's working some menial job & she's a hostess at some local restaurant. They get $400.00/mo.

So, the woman who worked for years & ended up with some nasty medical conditions creating a situation in which government sponsored help might actually be warranted gets fucked up the ass with a non-lubed horse cock while the trash of society get handed freebies & are virtually told to continue acting like trash.

I've been around the system (not on it). Between family working for these programs or living amongst those who stand around with their hand out looking for a way to avoid personal responsibility while having all the goodies I've had to bust my ass for.

End them all,
If you have a work history you are less likely to receive the same medi-benefits as someone who has no work history. Someone with zero history will likely receive medi-xxx while the long work history will be, at best, eligible for a small percentage of medi-bene's.

Do they still give ~$72k grants to immigrant for starting small business?