freako104 said:as most on here have said it is a name. It means really nothing. Now if it is a faith based school then it is different. If it is not then why wouldnt one send their kids there unless it has or had a bad rep or is in a bad neighbourhood
ClaireBear said:Its not just a name though... its what the name stands for... being called ...
"Saint Elizabeth of Scratchy Bums Infant School" would alienate, perhaps for example, the Muslim community from enroling their children there whether it be a good school or not... whether it will be a "faith school" or not!
Incidentally... all "non-denominational state schools" in Blighty follow Church of England values in assembly and celebration.... but parents have the right to have their children opt out of "assembly" basically worship by another name!
Gato_Solo said:If they can't accept you for who you are, then, why are they there with you in the first place?
ClaireBear said:Ahhhh! Now there's a point!
Faith schools maintain out dated and out moded intolerances and prejudices... a "them and us" menatality...
The Irish situation for example... do you think Protestant and Catholic nursery/kindergarten children would recognise each other in terms of faith and avoid playing with each other at playtime/recess? Not likely!!!!
But put them in two separate schools in different uniforms they are immediately recognisable to the other!
Gato_Solo you so eloquently stated...yours is a multi-cultural society. If you wipe out that culture...even if it's destructive...doesn't that, in itself, make the entire idea of scrapping a name that may be offensive anti 'PC'?
ClaireBear said:But a school is a public building...
ClaireBear said:But a school is a public building...
Its tantermount to naming council offices "The Red Rose Rooms" ... a red rose being the Labour symbol... how would Tory voters feel?
Faith doesn't have to wiped out... it just needs to be personal and accepting of others ideas, faiths and lifestyles.
ClaireBear said:Faith schools are intended for the children of those who are followers of that particular faith... therefore the Religious Education is geared around that religion, the values taught in the school are those of that religion... even down to the subject matter (Darwin vs Creationaism) is geared around that faith...
Those of different faiths to that of the school including humanists or atheists would not want their kids to be taught in that environment... an environment suggested by a particular name.
it might offend people of other faiths