

molṑn labé
Staff member
Stay outta her womb & stay outta my salt intake.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A consumer group sued the federal government Thursday, saying that salt is killing tens of thousands of Americans and that regulators have done too little to control salt in food.

Despite advisories to take it easy on sodium, Americans are now consuming about 4,000 milligrams a day -- nearly double the recommended limit to keep blood pressure under control, the Center for Science in the Public Interest said.


Salt is bad for you. Please stop eating so much of it. Thank you.

Please don't sue me.
*Winky takes another swig of his chocolate milk
and a big bite of his chocolate Krispy Kreme*

Yeah that salt is a killa...
Nutritionists tell us that weight gain is just calories in vs. calories out. It doesn't really matter if the calories come in the form of Big Macs or brussels sprouts. Just ask Don Gorske. He's in the Guinness Book of Records for eating 19,000 Big Macs. Gorske is 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, and his cholesterol is a healthy 155.
I never add salt to anything I cook or eat. I figure the food's got enough sodium as it is.
Well the ladies (and those others so inclined ,not that theres anything wrong with that) now have a medical excuse not to swallow .
The only salt I add to my diet that isn't already included in any preprepared dishes is as above :blush: and just a smidge on chips/fries...

I don't need it on anything else... my taste buds are still young!!! :D

Is all I use ,even on popcorn,don't even have pepper in the house though.
i use salt. people have been using salt for thousands of years. they did alright...maybe it's not the salted potatoes you put in your mouth that's bad for you but the 2 lb. servings of salted potatoes that you put in your mouth :shrug:
I am with the pepper people. I love pepper on my popcorn too. It's funny to see my relatives from the south because I think that down there it is a requirment to have half a salt shaker emptied onto all lunch and dinner meals. Sometimes breakfast too.

I do however like just a little bit of salt on my watermelon. Other than that, I just don't like salt much.
Salt is the least of my worries. I'm with tonks here...moderation. An extra shake or three on the salt shaker is not the's the 18 ounce portion of food you're shaking it on that is gonna kill you.

Besides, last time this crap got stirred up, people quit using salt and got goiters the size of grapefruits. Moderation, people...moderation.
It's amazing how hard that little word makes people crave BIG MACs, BIG GULPs & SuperSized sidedishes.

Nothing, in moderation, is bad for you*. The hard part is figuring out that an 36oz steak is overindulgence while a 24oz isn't ;)

*STOP!!! Obvioulsy that is an oversimplification. I don't need to hear about cyanide or some other similar thing :p
Wouldn't it be nice if the Big Mac were actually big and actually had some meat on it? I like it when they bring back the Double Big Mac (usually around Halloween as the Monster Mac), because with 4 patties instead of 2, you can actually taste the meat through all the bread and lettuce.