Salutations to all!


New Member
Just a quick hello... apparently I've been told that this is the place for a lady like me!

A lady who likes to talk and talk and talk about not very much at all! ;) In a random and off topic way!

So here be the beer! All hale the ale! :toast:

Here's to a happy online fiendship with lots of you hopefully lovely people!

Check out my profile for more on me! Its a little bare at the moment but nothing wrong with that! ;)
Well... I'm afraid it was but a flying visit!

A tantilising taste! :laugh:

Must dash... Damn you real life!:smash2:

Catch you all... I'm assuming there are some of you out there!... later ;)
Profile isn't just a little bare, it's a lot bear!

But yes! This ought to be a very excellent fiendship!
Just to clarify, since I've been karma'd twice now... I get it... was just goin' with the flow of the conversion. That said, I can bear more karma... I'm manly like that. ;)
I can't
Take anymore of this


Crap, I jsut want to
Lie down and have
A Beer
Really don't understand what
Everyone is talking about with all the
Bear talk it seems
Everyone but me gets
A joke that I don't understand

*too subtle?*
Let's paws for a moment - wouldn't want to make her angry. We've already had enough bears to cross.