Samples of Comet Dust Show a Mix


New Member
So now they have a bigger surprise....Wonder if there is any bug mater...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Detailed observations from the first comet samples returned to Earth are debunking some of science's long-held beliefs on how the icy, celestial bodies form.

Scientists expected the minute grains retrieved from a comet Wild 2 to be made up mostly of interstellar dust - tiny particles that flow through the solar system thought to be from ancient stars that exploded and died.

Instead, they found an unusual mix of primordial material as if the solar system had turned itself inside out. Hot particles from the inner solar system migrated out to the cold, outer fringes beyond Pluto where they intermingled and congealed to form a comet.
I'm not sure that reporter understands what he's reporting on. It has always been my understanding that the important thing about exploring comets is to obtain a better understanding of the primordial solar system. They're part of the solar system, how could they not contain what the solar system is made of? The article doesn't make sense. :confused:

Comets are believed to be remnants of the dust and debris that once swirled around the infant Sun and which coalesced into planets approximately 4.5 billion years ago. They might therefore be frozen time capsules, containing material from the early solar system.

Does it know how to go home? I think that is the coolest! They have a mopping one, too...that's probably what we actually need as we are gonna ditch the carpet on the main level asap...we'll still have the rugs but they can be manually vaccuumed.
Does it know how to go home? I think that is the coolest! They have a mopping one, too...that's probably what we actually need as we are gonna ditch the carpet on the main level asap...we'll still have the rugs but they can be manually vaccuumed.

Yep, it's this one. If we like it I guess we'll save up for the mopping one. We have tile floors in the kitchen and laminate in the living room and hall. I hate carpet too. With two dogs and two cats we vacuum the non-carpet floors as much as the carpeted ones. This works on both, in fact it automatically knows which it's on. I'll let you know how it adjusts to the area rug in the living room. I'm just looking to have our real vacuuming cut back to once a month or so.
Oooh...I don't think I knew that it adjusted to different floor type! between the cats and the kids we vaccuum all the time too...keep me posted!
Oooh...I don't think I knew that it adjusted to different floor type! between the cats and the kids we vaccuum all the time too...keep me posted!

M'kay. It'll be here Monday, I doubt if it's going to end up under the tree. I suspect it's giong to start getting used almost immediately. :D