Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

In fact it sends a


oh noes but they'll make us cut a bunch of programs! what will happen to the fake-resident californians from suburbia, USA that become stoner-surfers, get food allowances, and go to community college for free? will that shit get cut? how will they pay for weed?
Sarah Palin gives good head on the Bus Tour

They will take the benefits currently being paid to the
illegal immoral beaners that are deported so it will be a wash.

As you can see by the chart, if you cut taxes and do not also reduce spending your deficit will balloon.

It's like if you said "taking a giant pay cut will cost me nothing" but you put it in big letters for some reason.
I think it's hilarious the none in the media, and so called analysts can
'figure out' what Palin is doing.

It quite obvious to me, because I do it all the time.
I have much more respect just in the last few weeks for Sarah than I've have thus far.

Keep um guessin' lady.:beerbang:
God you're an idiot (statement of fact).

So you are under the impression that entitlements do not create debt? It all creates debt and the debt is paid by the the people. Corporations pass along taxes to the consumer, people pay the taxes for everything in the end.

Spending causes debt, quit spending what you don't have. Cut what you must to get your spending under control and pay off your debt.

Really, MediaMatters needs you back, or you could run for California Assembly.
God you're an idiot (statement of fact).

Says the guy who couldn't read the chart. :laugh:

So you are under the impression that entitlements do not create debt?

Where did I say that?

Corporations pass along taxes to the consumer

Some corporations pay taxes. If you think they just pass them along to the consumer then you could say that the consumer passes them back to corporations by requiring increased salaries.

Spending causes debt

Along with the other things in the graph obviously.

Really, MediaMatters needs you back, or you could run for California Assembly.

This is pathetic trolling. Really, you're not a very skilled troll. It's like trying to have an adult conversation with a 3 year old all like "wwwaaaaaaah whaaaaaaah whhhhaaaaaaaaah".

I'll try explaining this to you again:


See the line where it says "Debt without these factors"? Look at the stuff above it. That stuff changes the line where the debt amount is.
The quote unquote 'economic downturn' contributed
to the debt! Dude that is so sad
How's that hope and change werkin' out for you

You see along the way I've determined there are two types of Liberals

the first is like Minx which realize that spending more than
you take in increases debt, (which requires a PhD).

But will not admit to this knowledge?

and then there are those like Spike
who are so disconnected from reality that they are hopeless

heck he even brought into hope and change!

yeah well you wait and see what happens later this summer when
it becomes apparent that the Fed can no longer loan itself any more money

ah nevermind you won't be able to comprehend that either

you'll just:

As you can see by the chart, if you cut taxes and do not also reduce spending your deficit will balloon.

Say, nice one. Now, see if you can continue....

Who was in charge of Congress when the spending kept going up?

It's like if you said "taking a giant pay cut will cost me nothing" but you put it in big letters for some reason.


Not getting a raise costs you nothing. Having your pay cut is a reduction in salary. However, since the government is not getting a paycheck but
is taking money from one group of citizens & giving it to another, it's not comparable.
Re: How's that hope and change werkin' out for you

You see along the way I've determined there are two types of Liberals

the first is like Minx which realize that spending more than
you take in increases debt, (which requires a PhD).

Winky you have some extreme slowness on the way you determine things. I've already tried explaining the same thing to Gonz.

See when you cut taxes (what you take in) without also decreasing spending you balloon the debt which is why the Bush tax cuts were such a disaster. Maybe you mixed me up with Gonz?

Also, who is that girl and how old is she. Seems a little disturbing.
Say, nice one. Now, see if you can continue....

Who was in charge of Congress when the spending kept going up?

Well the tax cuts were in 2001 and 2003. There were a bunch of people in Congress. I'm sure you can look up who.

I think what you're going for here maybe is that you can never blame the president for spending even if he signs the bills. Does that mean you won't ever be blaming Obama for any spending?

Not getting a raise costs you nothing. Having your pay cut is a reduction in salary. However, since the government is not getting a paycheck but
is taking money from one group of citizens & giving it to another, it's not comparable.

It is comparable. If you're running your house on a certain budget and you cut the amount of money coming in without trimming your budget you have a good chance of going in debt. It's simple addition and subtraction Gonz. Winky has the idea.