
Well-Known Member
Just got my Antec True380 in the mail today and to my surprise, they're already putting SATA power connectors on them straight from the factory. These things look crazy...I was thinking about getting the WD Raptor (10k rpm SATA) for my new computer.
typical woman...I click your pic and all I can think is how clean the carpet is...wonder if it's new...that'd be a great colour in my bedroom...

Leslie said:
typical woman...I click your pic and all I can think is how clean the carpet is...wonder if it's new...that'd be a great colour in my bedroom...

Thanks Les! :lloyd: Its about six years old now, I think *counts on fingers*

Just for you.... :lol2:
*Gets out magnifying glass*

Oh NOO! I think I see a black spot.....

Nope just my dirty monitor....

Licks monitor clean....

Man I could use some of those cleaing skills..

But I got to say, this topic is very random.