Saudi Prince 2nd largest shareholder of Fox News


Well-Known Member
Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal now owns a 7 percent stake in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, making him the company's largest shareholder outside of Murdoch's own family.

Alwaleed is best known for going to Ground Zero after the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and personally handing then-mayor Rudolph Giuliani a check for $10 million to help finance relief efforts. Afterwards, Alwaleed released a statement blaming the attacks not on the Saudi airline hijackers, but on U.S. policies in the middle east. As a result, Giuliani returned the prince's donation, gaining him praise from Fox News for doing so. Now that Alwaleed has a controlling ownership in News Corp., he is gaining influence over Fox News.

In 2005, just months after Alwaleed acquired his first 5.4 percent stake in News Corp., Fox News covered riots in Paris under a banner saying "Muslim riots." Alwaleed allegedly called Murdoch and had him change the banner to say "Civil riots." Investigative journalist Joseph Trento also reported that a comment he recently made on a Fox Network morning news show, Fox and Friends, about Saudi Arabian money still financing Al Qaeda, was edited out of the show. Trento also reports that Alwaleed "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers."

In a rare interview with Fox News' Neil Cavuto in January, AlWaleed explained his personal reasons for seeking influence in American politics: the U.S. buys Saudi Arabia's oil, and the bulk of his country's gross domestic product (GDP) comes from oil. Fox News reliably broadcasts misinformation on clean energy, and aggressively fights efforts to move America away from being dependent on a fossil fuels.

Thou shalt not slag oil
Alwaleed "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers."
...Alaweed is also tied to the Ground Zero Victory Mosque.

Showing a photo of the prince shaking hands with Rupet Murdoch, Stewart exclaimed, "That's right, the guy they're painting as a sinister money force OWNS Fox News." Stewart then used Fox's own logic to explain how the "terror mosque" is funded by Prince Alwaleed, despite being a co-owner of Fox News, and therefore funding terrorism. So, using their logic, Stewart said, "If we want to cut off funding to the terror mosque, we must, together as a nation, stop watching Fox."


Funny. It seems the story here is that you just can't trust these Islamofascist. They play every side of the field to promote the greatness of Allah.

Side note for the insipidly blind: Alaweed is both a suicide/homicide bomber financial supporter and Ground Zero Victory Mosque financial supporter. -

Nice find there Bishy ;)

Prince Alwaleed heads a board of directors meeting attended by News Corporation executives. (AN photo)
News Corp is a publicly Traded Stock.
Is it not?

Who says Who is allowed to trade?

They are much tighter than just buying some stock through eTrade.

"Saudi billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal held meetings this week with News Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch to discuss investments, including Rotana Media, according to a statement from the prince's office Saturday.

The meetings, which took place in New York on Jan. 14, "touched upon future potential alliance with News Corp.," the statement said, adding that Rotana and LBCSAT, 90% owned by Prince Alwaleed, were discussed.

Nezar Nagro, president of Rotana Media Services, said in December a deal that would see News Corp. buy 10% of the existing shares in the company could be completed this month. "
Never met him, but that was a pretty weak attempt at trolling.

No spike ... it was recognition that you've got a bone to chew and noone's going to convince you that there's more meat on the carcass than what you're worrying at.
wow, 7%, and they might buy a whopping , up to 10%

The prince is the second largest shareholder in Newscorp. If you read more closely you'll see that in addition Newscorp is looking to buy a large share of the prince's company. It's a mutual relationship.

wow spike, ..and I thought you thought Fox was anti-Muslim

I don't remember saying that. They do seem to try and stoke the fear mongering with whatever is handy.
The prince is the second largest shareholder in Newscorp. If you read more closely you'll see that in addition Newscorp is looking to buy a large share of the prince's company. It's a mutual relationship.

I don't remember saying that. They do seem to try and stoke the fear mongering with whatever is handy.

So you think they are fear mongering by letting this guy buy shares, and being open about it?
Sounds like you are being intolerant toward muslims here.
When it finally does, let me know. There's no point in me wasting my time with you until it does.

Oh, hell no! You can't change a zebra'z spotz, or a zebra's stripes, or even a monkey's mind......afterall........

Prof's always wanted you to post in the other forums. I've always said you had the capacity to be a solid core member of this site, if you'd just leave the RW and be yourself instead of always the Lib-Dem pitbull.