Saw 4


Tonight I went with the boys to see Saw 4. Ahem.We planned on the 9:35 showing... it was sold out... so we had to move to the 10:05 showing... and figured we'd just have to fuck around for a while. Well, we get to the booth and the lady tells us that showing is almost sold out... we're like what the hell? Well, we'll need good seats so we should get in line early. We do. We're the first ones behind that rope... the only ones.... for all of a minute. From about 8:45, until we were released for seating, we stood in line... being all cool in *front* It was a very big line. That showing sold out also.

We got in, got perfect seats, had to deal with the whole OMG DO NOT SKIP SEATS BETWEEN PARTIES! blablabla...

Then the movie. Great movie... so much deeper than the first three. Plenty of 'games' and torture and gore and blabla... but a very twisted and complicated plot... YES! This is one of those movies where those that have seen it can't say much without giving stuff away... and those that haven't, MUST GO!

By the way, in this one we learn *much* about Jigsaw himself... who he was before he started doing all this... why he started... when... how... etc. It gets pretty deep in general though... great plot, great movie. See it!
I saw a saw in Arkansas that's better than the saw you saw in Arkansas, and if you saw a saw in Arkansas that's better than the saw I saw in Arkansas, I'd like to see the saw you saw that's better than the saw I saw in Arkansas.
I am a diehard Saw fanatic. The first one literally left me speechless. We have the first 3 on DVD and will get this one as well.
Saw 1 was fantastic... nr 2 was just not even close. still have to see nr 3, but afraid to be disappointed. maybe skip that one and go straight to nr 4. there's not too much storyline in nr 2 i find...:(

best thing about saw 1 was the fact it almost takes place in just ONE room...absolutely brilliant storyline.
You guys keep mentioning that Saw has a plot. It hardly sounds like Hitchcock. Its a horror movie. What kind of plot can there be?

Vanload of 30 year olds playing teenagers end up stranded at:
a.lost highway
b.isolated farm
c.Camp Killemall
d.a haunted mansion isolated island
f.a motel in the middle of nowhere.

where a
a.disfigured freak
b.guy in a hockey mask
c.crazed hillbilly
d.psych ward escapee
e.6'6 ultra strong 50IQ manchild
f.carnival show reject
g.some form of demon, unnatural spirit, or space alien

carves up the kids one by one with

b.big knife a really freakin' big knife
d.chainsaw equipment
i.the odd shotgun blast
j.tree limb
k.bare hands
m.any available ironic method handy like a weight set used to kill a weightlifter, a knitting needle for granny, poison for the ratcatcher... that kind of thing.

All of the girls will eventually show some skin. The last survivor is almost always a girl. Rinse and repeat.
rofl hobart.

You've obviously never seen Saw (any) have you?! It has dick to do with teenagers, freaks, blabla.

Saw 1 was amazing and the plot is good. Saw 2 sucks serious ass. Saw 3 is good, but eh. Saw 4 is great. If you want plot, see Saw 4. Until then, don't rip on it until you know what youre talking about, dude. That makes you look mad dumb.
I am a diehard Saw fanatic. The first one literally left me speechless. We have the first 3 on DVD and will get this one as well.
I just don't get it myself. :shrug: As unc says, it's hardly Hitchcock. Note that I have only watched the first one and didn't finish watching it.
How does it compare with the Sound of Music?
A bit less entertaining although significantly more noisy. Bit more blood too.
I haven't watched any of them - so numbers 1 & 4, eh? I will endeavour to track down the first one and give it a whirl.
I guess that makes us all mad dumb outside of our resident 20 y/o... but then what else would we expect to come from the mouth of a 20 y/o.

I wasn't ripping on it little missy. I was ripping upon all horror movies that have been pumped out over the course of the last 30 years. My above forumla covers a good 75% of them.
Good modern horror:

Silence of the Lambs
The House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie is one freaky director)
Poltergeist (my personal favorite)
I really liked Jaws, the Amityville Horror... stuff like that... but it falls just outside of my range of what I would call horror.

My picks aren't exactly 100% since I haven't seen more than about 40% of horror movies made in the last 20 years... and absolutely none over the last 4 years. Having a young family tends to do that.

Regardless of their sheer popularity and repetition, I could never get into : Elm Street, Halloween, Friday the 13th. The only scene I could say that I really liked was when Kevin Bacon got aced through a bunkbed with a manually manipulated crossbow bolt.
The House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie is one freaky director)

Rob Zombie is a good (freaky) director, but you honestly think that one was good? And you want plot? There's no plot to that movie. It's a mess of freaky images, bloody porno, and some other freaky stuff thrown in for effect... no real storyline. I liked The Devil's Rejects, though. Good stuff.
I didn't say it had a discernable plot. I just liked the art direction and imagery composition that you mentioned. I had been on a roll of seeing a bunch of canned, typical, blah, low budget horror movies for over 6 months. I was a bit jaded. The Zombie flick was a breath of fresh air for a low budget movie. It seemed... unique... if but for a moment. It was a mindwarp along the lines of Rosemary's Baby.
i saw the first saw, and i really liked it, but i don't think i would like any of the rest.
i liked the first one because i like cary elwes or however you spell his name, and the whole thing was just like one of those "escape room" games you used to see online all the time, very popular circa 2004.
I saw Friday the 13th (part 1). Somewhat fun, enjoyed the twist ending. At least I think that's the movie it was. Turned out to be the drowned kids mum.

After the second part ... I turned of on the entire genre of horror. Sorry, but it just plain got stupid. Frankly, I thought it was incredibly sad, given how almost good the first one was.

Now ... I simply don't even waste my time. I limit my horror to Attack of the Killer Tomatos and Little Shop of Horrors.
I saw Saw, but I didn't like it.

We watched Ghostbusters 2 last night, though! :headbang: