Say goodnight Gracie


molṑn labé
Staff member
"Goodnight, George"

New HIV tests spots first college outbreak

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11 (UPI) -- A new test for human immunodeficiency virus has led health workers in North Carolina to identify the first HIV outbreak ever among college students.

The outbreak, reported at the 11th annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in San Francisco, involved 84 HIV cases in male students ages 18 to 30 from Jan. 1, 2000, through Dec. 31, 2003.

The students, most of whom were black, were enrolled in 37 colleges, all but 4 in North Carolina, the New York Times said Wednesday.

"We believe that this is a wake-up call" to direct new efforts to prevent further transmission of the virus among young people, said Dr. Lisa B. Hightow of the University of North Carolina. Hightow is an infectious disease specialist who worked with the North Carolina health department.

Her team investigated the outbreak using the new test, which is based on a technique known as PCR (for polymerase chain reaction) and which can detect HIV weeks earlier than the standard test.

Most of the 84 students had tested negative with the standard HIV antibody test.

That certainly livens up spring break. Jusy keep telling yourself that "they're just going to do it & there's nothing we can do" and we might as well give up the ship.
The correct responce is "Goodnight Gracie"

What the title has anything to do with the subject is beyond me.

Beyond's about time that they start tracing the source.
Re: Say goonight Gracie

MrBishop said:
Beyond's about time that they start tracing the source.

Think it's the same girl? I don't think my ex-daughter-in-law has been to North Carolina.
Still don't understand why you picked that thread-title Gonz. Whatever.
Back to the topic at hand.

They're testing only males or have they only found HIV in male subjects?

If they're testing only men, then they're making a horrible mistake, their sample size and subjects are faulty and their results are therefore misrepresentational and erronious.

HIV/AIDS stopped being the "Gay-Disease" a very long time ago.

chcr - not a lot of love for the ex-daughter in law, eh? They're learning how to identify where a disease starts and it's spread patterns so that they can better control the spread of other diseases like the flu etc... if you can trace something back to it's point of origin and eliminate the method through which the orginal transition happened, you can reduce the chance of another outbreak.

HIV came from Apes and other simians. they're trying to figure out how it made its way accross the barrier from ape to mankind. If, for instance, the disease crossed the barrier through the eating of apes, then stopping that practice might prevent another disease from cropping up in the future. Take the chicken-flu that's hitting China now. chickens are dying left and transmission to humans yet but how long until the virus mutates and does cross the barrier?
A.B.Normal said:
I'll assume you mean no transmission between humans ,because there have been a number of human deaths from coming into contact with infected birds (not only by eating them).

Must be a recent discovery..or I was asleep. I didn't know that it'd crossed over. No real surprise though
The World Health Organization, meanwhile, said China may already have human cases of bird flu, although the country hasn’t reported any

China's not exactly a PR kinda place, ya know?
Bird flu hasn't jumped off to be an easily transimissable disease I think thats what they meant! And I dont' think it communicable yet (meaning coughing spreads it, or shaking someones hand, and etc..)