Say Hemptina To Nekhebet

hi! :wave: we're nothing if not helpful....hmmm...that may be a bit of a stretch but at least we are amusing. ;)
I just need to be shown the ropes. Do you guys happen to have a role play going on around here? I am good with role plays.
Yeah...and we needed someone to play the nymphomaniac. take off your clothes and post pictures. :brow:

BTW..Hi sara. :swing:
Nekhebet said:
I just need to be shown the ropes. Do you guys happen to have a role play going on around here? I am good with role plays.

I constantly play the fool :) But it's been a long time since I had the urge to dress up as a barbarian and chase dragons about :retard3: Although I do sometimes still play the role of Gloria - Goddess of the Goldenshower.......but I dunno how helpfull that'll be to ya :lloyd:

Welcome :nuts:

We don't role play, I'm really a sex starved, computer tech midget that likes corn.