school begins....*sigh*

yeah, i became a guidance counselor because mine sucked!! i make sure i'm very visable to the kids and they all know they can come and talk to me...even the kids that aren't technically "mine"....really pisses the other guidance counselor off...*lol*
I've never gotten this. Punishment for sexual harassment (in my day) was dealt with immediately. You snaped a girl's bra strap, and she and her friends proceeded to kick the living shit out of you. Or you wound up dating. Either way, it was over and done with. Jsut another case of passing the responsability buck.
I've never gotten this. Punishment for sexual harassment (in my day) was dealt with immediately. You snaped a girl's bra strap, and she and her friends proceeded to kick the living shit out of you. Or you wound up dating. Either way, it was over and done with. Jsut another case of passing the responsability buck.

prof: where did that one come from? lmao :laugh:
If you only knew how many dates I got that way. And a beating or two over the years. But back then, it was ok for a guy to be agressive. Today they're just adding more and more stuff to turn boys into pussies. And since most girls want a level of agression, that leaves only the real bad boys. And that's when girls really get into trouble.
If you only knew how many dates I got that way. And a beating or two over the years. But back then, it was ok for a guy to be agressive. Today they're just adding more and more stuff to turn boys into pussies. And since most girls want a level of agression, that leaves only the real bad boys. And that's when girls really get into trouble.

ok...i got ya....interesting thought though...
Well, it's going to be interesting.

Normally I schedule around work, which is very inconsistent. I probably have four hours variance in when I wake up. If I'm in at 5 PM, I wake up at noon. If I'm in at 9:30 AM, I wake up at eight.

It's going to be a big shift to having a regular schedule of 8-2:30.

And food, too.

I currently have a rather detached attitude towards finding food. I'll eat meals at very odd times or not at all. My work schedule means I'm not usually home for dinner, so I just do whatever. I might wake up, have lunch at 2 PM, and dinner at 8 PM. The next day, I might go to dunkin donuts for breakfast at 10 AM, pizza for lunch at 4 PM, and dinner at 10 PM.
Now I'm going to have cereal at 7 AM every day, PB&J at 11:30 AM every day, and dinner with the 'rents at 6 PM every day.

It's just really weird. I've been pretty much operating solo and doing whatever I damn well please all summer, now it's back into a routine, with lots of authority figures.

And I'm going to miss the summer. I've been hanging out or going places every day, and working a lot, with some really cool people there.
We're having a discussion about one of our friends who may be gay.

And accusing each other of being gay...

And some of us are reading a blatantly gay novel, the Picture of Dorian Gray...
Altron, I thought you were referring to Connor and Duncan MacLeod...(we watched Highlander: Endgame)