Trim the fat instead of firing teachers...
One thing I find puzzling from the article though...
That's 62,500/year per teacher. Since when do teachers make that kind of loot?
In one of his first official acts as new chief of the cash-strapped Oakland public schools, Randy Ward has turned off 500 district cell phones used by employees and others who were chatting their way to $750,000 a year.
From the driver who delivers the milk to nearly all 100 principals, so many district employees were issued cell phones under the prior administration that when Ward asked for a list, just 200 phones could be matched up with individuals.
The rest were floating out there somewhere -- but still getting plenty of use.
"We'd get some bills that were $200 and $300 a month, and when we called the number associated with the phone, a stranger would answer and refuse to identify themselves," said Harold Lowe, director of purchasing for the district.
One thing I find puzzling from the article though...
noting that the district's annual cell phone bill could pay the salary of about 12 teachers.
That's 62,500/year per teacher. Since when do teachers make that kind of loot?