School budget cuts that make sense

Legalized Gambling was first put to a vote here in Missouri on the premise that it would increase State Operating funds, lowering taxes. It was defeated. So, they tried again the next year, except this time ALL the money earned from Gambling would go directly to the schools. No exceptions. It passed. Only thing is, it wasn't on the ballot that all the money had to go to education, so as soon as it was passed, the backpedaling began. Now, I don't really give a shit about Gambling, if you're dumb enough to lay 500 out and lose it, that's your problem, not mine, but if I had to do it again, I'd vote no again.
American Federation of Teachers President Sandra Feldman, however, insists teachers' salaries, at an average $44,367 nationally, are relatively low among the professions. The national average for a beginning teacher in the 2001-2002 school year was $30,719.
Gonz said:
I jumped off the "teacjers are underpaid" bandwagon about a year ago. Look around & you'll find that many urban teachers are paid in excess of $45k a year & some go into the $100k range. That is pay, not pay & bene's.

They've been lying to us.

You have to remember, Gonz, that these people have a four year (or more) degree. Its not like they just apply and get the job. I realize that there are considerations to be given regarding the 9 month work year. But that in itself presents the problem of finding temporary employment for the summer. And I don't believe they get any vacation time. etc, etc...I'd love to see you try to live in say, NY City at 45K/year
Find me one teacher fool enough to have gone into that profession thinking they were gonna get rich. I'd also bet that a vast majority of NYC residents make under 45k/yr. Why do you think they made Queens ;)
You really think that 45k a year is alot of money Gonz? Come on.
Well, it ain't that great. A person can become a teacher here in Missouri with a Bachelors degree. However, within five years you have to have a Masters Degree, so those summers off, well, they ain't exaclty off, you're going to school full time to get your Masters, and paying for the school, books, and board associated with it too. After you obtain your Masters, they still require you to take at least one upper level course per summer, so you never really get an entire summer off.

Add to that that when you need supplies, good luck getting them from the school, you can put your request in, and if you do it enough ahead of time, you might just get what you need before you need it. Otherwise you go to Walmart and buy it yourself. Then you work from 7 am until whenever they decide to let you go home, sometimes 4, someitmes 10 if there are after school activities that you are working. I just don't see the pay up there where it should be.
PuterTutor said:
You really think that 45k a year is alot of money Gonz? Come on.

For a public servant-yes. In the normal course of American life, it's above average (top 35% or so). A lot of money? Hell no.

I'm not saying they are overpaid, but if you listen to the PR, they are just above bums & almost homeless. I bought into that until I decided to see just how bad they had. I was not pleased.

Consider this; a couple, one is a teacher & the other is a cop, would live pretty decently. Together they would make over $80k/year. I'd like that.