School lock-down!!


Kissy Goddess
I was in a state of panic to hear that my kids' school is in total lock-down right now. All the info I get is from the news! Apparently they suspect someone has a gun. Who has a gun? Don't know. The school has been in lock down since lunch time. Which means the kids are locked in thier home rooms unable to get thier lunches.

It's the waiting that sucks.
Anxious moments for sure, but the kids are safer this way. They can search lockers, etc, and then if nothing is found they can search the kids if need be. Much less liklihood of a kid using a gun under those circumstances. I'd feel a lot safer as a parent if the kids were being controlled and in a stable environment without the opportunity of the guilty party using it, stashing it, or ditching it.

Try and stay calm if you can. Hopefully they'll discover it was a false alarm, and at the worst there will be some hungry kids instead of bleeding kids.
Half a dozen cops barely makes a donut run. When the SWAT team is called in, you have a clearer answer.
Gonz, move over against the wall, willya? I think I hear the anti-gun nuts coming down the hall.
I hate when they do that here. Schools go on lock-down all the time here from "Columbine threats" and other stuff. It is really scary though to not know what is going on. You think that SOMEONE would say something to the parents.

Alex's school was on lockdown for a few hours and no one knew until it was time to pick them up and then no one would tell us why we couldn't take our children home. After a bunch of complaint, they allowed parent's only to show up at the school and take them home. Turns out there was a man on the loose who had just robbed a bank and had a gun on him right near the school.
PrincessLissa said:
I hate when they do that here. Schools go on lock-down all the time here from "Columbine threats" and other stuff. It is really scary though to not know what is going on. You think that SOMEONE would say something to the parents.

Alex's school was on lockdown for a few hours and no one knew until it was time to pick them up and then no one would tell us why we couldn't take our children home. After a bunch of complaint, they allowed parent's only to show up at the school and take them home. Turns out there was a man on the loose who had just robbed a bank and had a gun on him right near the school.
Same thing happens here too. Lockdowns were almost yearly. No big deal, unless it delayed lunch.

I'd say if it was serious, there would be a media frenzy.
Nothing on CBC news, and that's cross-Canada, so...hopefully it's still nothing.
All's quiet on the Canadian front & Spirit is nowhere to be found. OHHHHHH, those school administrators are in so much trouble. :eek:
I've experienced a bomb scare at my high school, very tense day with FBI and bomb-sniffing dogs all over the building. Thankfully they found nothing, and I hope your lock-down ended as uneventfully as ours.
Hey - ya, kids were quite animated in thier tales of what happened. It's quite funny the different stories I got! My youngest said there was a murder! *LMAO*

Turns out that there was a call to the police that someone had a gun. They locked the school down tight. Kids were all huddled in the corner for 2 hours. I called the news station and he said it was a false alarm. The school didn't give details in the letter they sent home with all the kids on what happened.

What bothers the hell out of me is that they didn't even tell the kids what was going on so they all conjured up these things in thier own minds. My youngest (step) daughter said she was *terrified*. My youngest boy, Joey, thought someone was murdered and that the murderer was in the school and my oldest, Alex, said that he was pissed off that he had to be in a small confined area with a bunch of stinky teenagers with bad foot odor for 2 hours.:D

So - there was some reassuring at bedtime. Kids want me to walk them to thier classes and be there for recess time. Since I have taken some time off work, that's exactly what I'll do.
In Jeff City I'm on an email list when things like this happen. Basically get an email telling me what's going on, and another telling me when the all clear has been called. Yeah, it happens that often.
Oh my God, PT - I'd hate that. Well, hopefully the teachers there are worth having the kids in that environment?

It's VERY rare here, the last time was about 3 years ago and that was because there was a suspected pedophile casing the area.