School shooting in Cleveland

Coon told his classmates he didn’t believe in God and instead worshipped rocker Marilyn Manson.

Dude... Marilyn Manson is sooo last year. Pick a new god.
I think I would choose to worship someone I couldn't knock over with a flick to the ear...but that's just me.

Rape is about control, its a result of the rapists mental issues. The rapist rapes women at random. Not because of anything the women did, but because of his own psychological problems.

A school shooting is about revenge. It is a result of the actions of the victims. If, in fact, the shooter has some sort of mental illness (depression, etc) it's also a result of the actions of the people at that school.

Get it? Or should I draw you a fucking picture.

That is surely insensitive and misleading, as if all rapist were sociopaths.

OK, some hot looking slut showing off her perky breast and subtle nipples in a tight white low-cut to her belly-button mini-dress goes to a colloge party, gets ripped and begins to tease and play with some underclassman.

Being that she's all fucker'd up in narcissistic sexual control mode, for kicks to suppliment her issues of low self-esteem. She lures in an obviously nervous freshman from a small towm in the midwest, that happened to be somewhat cute.

They party on, she leads him on showing everyone just how much she can make him blush with innuendos and sensual attentions.

A little later she's making out with him on the bench under the sycamore tree in the back, she's turned on by her own powers of seduction, While he's finger-banging her like a cow back on the farm, she becomes lucid and her muscular control is fading with her speech.

Now he's drunk as a skunk with the sweetest-thang he ever tasted, in a dark and romantic place and her panties are below her knees,
. . . the boy's got wood for days.

He only had to unbutton his pants since the zipper was already down. She wasn't very helpful but seemed to be enjoying it. He now feels he could die a happy man.

*48-hours later*

The police show up at the campus FFA meeting and arrest the kid for agravated rape. Seems her sorority sisters were teasing her about the "geek" she did night before in the garden at the party, she was embarrassed and did what any self-respecting coed would do, she cried "rape".

With the support of her sisters she had a rape-kit installed and they all made a proper police report.

*Four years later*

The kid is released from prison wondering if he is gay, The once frim breast, now sagging from the ravages of engourgement and breast-feeding, are doing well as a victims advocate for the state. The oddly affeminate young boy doesn't know his father because the court-order states 'his father is a registered sex offender and would present a danger to the child'.

  • He's not a sociopath, HE WAS HORNY - he wanted to get laid by a young scrumptiously tight little babette (like we all do) He didn't want to miss that rare moment of manhood that come along only in youth and remebered a lifetime (as many of us regret missing, . . . oh the things I wish I could go back and change )
  • She wrecked the life of a future Chemical Biologist with her selfish desires of vanity.
  • He cannot vote for non-mandatory sentances because he's a felon.
  • Her sisters bathed her in the glorious womb of victimhood which led her into a six figure government salary with her art degree.
That is surely insensitive and misleading, as if all rapist were sociopaths.

OK, some hot looking slut showing off her perky breast and subtle nipples in a tight white low-cut to her belly-button mini-dress goes to a colloge party, gets ripped and begins to tease and play with some underclassman.

Being that she's all fucker'd up in narcissistic sexual control mode, for kicks to suppliment her issues of low self-esteem. She lures in an obviously nervous freshman from a small towm in the midwest, that happened to be somewhat cute.

They party on, she leads him on showing everyone just how much she can make him blush with innuendos and sensual attentions.

A little later she's making out with him on the bench under the sycamore tree in the back, she's turned on by her own powers of seduction, While he's finger-banging her like a cow back on the farm, she becomes lucid and her muscular control is fading with her speech.

Now he's drunk as a skunk with the sweetest-thang he ever tasted, in a dark and romantic place and her panties are below her knees,
. . . the boy's got wood for days.

He only had to unbutton his pants since the zipper was already down. She wasn't very helpful but seemed to be enjoying it. He now feels he could die a happy man.

*48-hours later*

The police show up at the campus FFA meeting and arrest the kid for agravated rape. Seems her sorority sisters were teasing her about the "geek" she did night before in the garden at the party, she was embarrassed and did what any self-respecting coed would do, she cried "rape".

With the support of her sisters she had a rape-kit installed and they all made a proper police report.

*Four years later*

The kid is released from prison wondering if he is gay, The once frim breast, now sagging from the ravages of engourgement and breast-feeding, are doing well as a victims advocate for the state. The oddly affeminate young boy doesn't know his father because the court-order states 'his father is a registered sex offender and would present a danger to the child'.

  • He's not a sociopath, HE WAS HORNY - he wanted to get laid by a young scrumptiously tight little babette (like we all do) He didn't want to miss that rare moment of manhood that come along only in youth and remebered a lifetime (as many of us regret missing, . . . oh the things I wish I could go back and change )
  • She wrecked the life of a future Chemical Biologist with her selfish desires of vanity.
  • He cannot vote for non-mandatory sentances because he's a felon.
  • Her sisters bathed her in the glorious womb of victimhood which led her into a six figure government salary with her art degree.

um, is this all an elaborate way to rationalize your lack or worldly success?


Rape is about control, its a result of the rapists mental issues. The rapist rapes women at random.

Not always. I deal with rapists every day. All the ones I have knew their victims. I don't call that random. Whatever textbook you read that in is wrong.

A school shooting is about revenge. It is a result of the actions of the victims.

So if you find out on Monday that your child made fun of another student's off-brand clothes, you'd be OK with said student shooting your child on Tuesday, because he had issues.


Please sweet Jesus tell me you don't own or have access to a firearm...

If, in fact, the shooter has some sort of mental illness (depression, etc) it's also a result of the actions of the people at that school.

So it's never the fault of the person who took the time, trouble, premeditation to bring a gun to school, load it, conceal it, wait for the right moment, aim, pull the trigger, and kill someone else. Not his fault at all. It's because someone called him a name. Or didn't talk to him at lunch. Or whatever else might be concocted.

Please. If ever you are summoned to jury duty, play sick. Fake an injury. Do whatever it takes to stay off any jury you might ever be called to sit on.

Get it? Or should I draw you a fucking picture?

Nope, I'd say a whole lot of things are crystal fucking clear. You have yourself a blessed day now, y'hear?
CLEVELAND - A high school student said Thursday that he and classmates had warned their principal about threats by a classmate who shot and wounded four people before killing himself, and believed the attack could have been prevented.

The student, Rasheem Smith, said on CBS' "Early Show" that despite their warnings about the student who opened fire Wednesday, Asa H. Coon, principal Johneita Durant told them she was too busy.

Rape is about control, its a result of the rapists mental issues. The rapist rapes women at random. Not because of anything the women did, but because of his own psychological problems.
Interesting statistic is that most rapes are done by people that the victim knew (ie date rapes).
I don't know why they didn't say nothing. *fellow student commentary from Spikes yahoo link*

This was an advanced school? Sheesh!
That was said facetiously and I think you know it.

I doubt it since he didn't deny it when asked and also proposed cutting their heads off and ridding society "of every last person who thinks this way".

Not that it would be the first time he talked about shooting people that have committed no crime.

He really has no room to talk here. Same mentality as school shooters.