Schwarzenegger: 'Assimilate' Into U.S. Culture


New Member
I consider Schwarzenegger a rino in a lot of areas but this is a good idea, now if this can be put across all would be much better...
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says some Mexican immigrants "try to stay Mexican" when they come to the United States and he urged them to assimilate into the fabric of American society.

Recalling his own experience emigrating from his native Austria, the Republican governor said Thursday that immigrants should learn English and U.S. history and "make an effort to become part of America."
What would he know about assimilating into a new culture? Has he ever been to a country that didn't speak his native language? Did he ever go somewhere & not understand what was going on because it was foreign to him? What a bigot. What a...

Oh, wait. Never mind.