Schwarzenegger demands Congress act on immigration


New Member
This is interesting, Arnold proclaimed that he was not going to send any of his guardsmen for border patrol and now he is demanding congress do something. What is wrong with this picture?
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took the U.S. Congress to task on Wednesday before a tour of his state's border with Mexico, demanding it pass legislation to address illegal immigration.

"I believe it is totally irresponsible for the politicians in Washington, D.C. to have failed yet again to pass a comprehensive immigration reform plan and address this national crisis," Schwarzenegger said in a statement.

"Until our border is secure, I know all Americans share my concern about drug trafficking and illegal immigration, as well as the possibility of terrorists entering our country undetected," he said.
Not saying this is or isn't the reason, but it's worth mentioning that he's running for re-election this year. It's also worth mentioning that the teachers' union is still pissed off at him and will spend every cent they can to elect Phil Angelides in November. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that Angelides won the Democratic primary on June 6 and Schwarzenegger started running attack ads against him on June 9.
America isn't a better place with 11-20 million illegals
running around here.

Too bad we will never do nuthin' about it.

Viva La Raza
comprehensive immigration reform plan

We don't need another piece of useless legislation to make the Guvernator, or anyone else, feel better. We have more than enough laws if we'd just enforce them.