Science saved my life...


New Member
The direction of a PM conversation gave me an idea for a thread.

If medical science was still in the dark ages, at what age should you have died? ...if at all. I want to see if any of us would have survived to adulthood.

Broken limbs, runaway infections, fell of your bike onto your noggin', apendicitis, dental abcess... what did you in?

I had brutal bronchitis/pneumonia that almost did me in at the age of 4 and 5.
a whole bunch of streps, a couple infections which i let go to far...surely one would have done me in without penicillins.
Two of them would've either killed me or crippled me. The first was a wrenched knee about 16 years ago...took 3 casts and 1 operation to make that one right...Medievil times...amputation. 4 years ago, it was Apendicitis...that would've meant death.

My son would've died about 3 months ago...of complications stemming from Bronchialitis/Asthma.
i have strep in my bloodstream or something atg the age of 16...103 fever...who knows? i know that i would have bled to death after the birth of my first child if i wasn't at the hospital at the time.
still be alive

no serious medical issues

no broken bones, only been on penicillin once

(well, mid-evil ages with drugs, dead at 16)
I've always been quite healthy. Usually if I can get enough sleep I can get over pretty much any sickness I seem to get. I had the Chicken Pox in third grade, but that was mostly rest and calamine lotion. Trivia: my mom had fun playing connect-the-dots with the spots on me and the calamine lotion.
unclehobart said:
If medical science was still in the dark ages, at what age should you have died? ...if at all.

i would have had a real good chance of dying 3 times. mumps in the 2nd grade, chicken pox in the 5th grade and ruptured appendix/peritonitis my junior year in high school.
Appendicitis at 15. Twisted Teste at 17. Various other ailments and injuries that would have made my life difficult to say the least.
I would have no front teeth by 8 and be blind in my left eye at 11. Any number of asthma attacks might have did me in but otherwise, I'd still be alive.

But I would have no family-both parents, both sisters and my brother would be dead, as would three of my nieces & nephews. :(
I'd surely be dead from the car wreck I had from about 4 years ago,
or atleast be missing a foot on one side, and a whole leg on the other,
and maybe still be laying comatose in a pile of hay. (it being the dark ages style meds and all)
I'd be chronically deaf, unable to walk (after I stuck my foot through my mothers china cabinet and severed the tendons), and blind in one eye after I walked into a tree.

PuterTutor said:
Twisted Teste at 17.

Owie. :eek:
Me I'd have been dead many times over now.... I've had multiple cases of strep leading to 102 degree fevers since I was 5, chicken pox when I was 3, deaf when I was one (had to get tubes in ears), and most recently on my 21st birthday I had to have my gull bladder removed and spent over a week in the hospital for pancreantitis which nearly killed me with modern medicine around. So all in all I'm happy to be in the modern day of penecillin and of course pain killers :p
I'd prolly be deaf (wereas now I just pretend I can't hear......especially if someone starts a convo with "can you do me a favour") Had quite a few ops on the old lugs when I was a microdude.

Had mumps and whooping cough. My left arm would also be scoobied as I badly broke it when I was 15.

Luckily I managed to escape the whole measles/chickenpox bit :swing: